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Postcards we say. Postcards are just a sheet of paper, or rather,a card that simply has a photograph or an illustration on one side of the card. But if received, it can be so much more than just a card. It can be happiness, it can be love, it can be sadness and so much more. Especially when it is sent to you by a loved one.

It was one cold evening on a Tuesday when a small, vintage shop caught my eye as I walked past the streets of New York City. I walked towards the shop, not even thinking twice.

A nice looking middle aged lady with glasses welcomed me as the small bell above the door chimed as i opened the door and walked into the store. The store had a warm and cozy ambience which I ultimately fell in love with.

I took a good look at the displays of the store. And at the back, was a stack of postcards. I walked further towards the back interested in the postcards. "Those postcards are our best sellers you should definitely buy one or two for your special someone," the worker said as she gave me a wide smile.

I looked through them and i decided immediately that i wanted to buy the postcards.I took the one which I liked the most and payed for it to the cashier. She packed my postcard with a brown paper and tied it with a jute twine and handed it to me.

Later that night, at my apartment, when I finished taking my shower, I sat on my chair and started working on my postcard. I meant to give this to my girlfriend Y/N. Her and I are on a long distance relationship. It was nine months ago today I left for New York, to study abroad.

I miss her so much. I miss her touch, her smile, her lips, her everything. I miss every inch of her. I thought of what to write on the postcard for a long time. There were so many things that i wanted to write. But in the end, it was only 3 words that I ended up writing.

Done with writing my postcard, I went to sleep. I didn't bother to call Y/N even though i miss her since I was fully aware of the time difference and I knew that she would be busy back in Seoul at this time of the day.

2 weeks later...


I took off my shoes and my coat as I stepped inside my apartment. I ran to the couch and layed my body. Tired, I dozed off. After what seemed like a good 2 hours or so, i woke up. I was hungry since my lunch earlier in the day wasn't much. So, I went out again to go grocery shopping.

I got into my car and as I drove to the supermarket all I could think of was Haruto. I still remember vividly the day I last kissed his lips. I had to let him go, for his own good. I didn't want to be the one to hold him back from pursuing the dream he had ever since he was small, which was to study abroad.

But what still amazes me is how close we still are even though the many miles standing in between us. I always try to make time for him and so does he.

I reached my destination earlier that I expected. Maybe the way seemed shorter because of my endless chain of thoughts of Haruto.

I walked into the store with no energy left in me. My footsteps felt extremely heavy. I haven't eaten proper meals to give me energy. To sum it all up, I have been missing Haruto a little too much lately that it's messing with my daily living.

I bought the ingredients needed for making a kimchi stew, Haruto's favourite. Although 9 long months had already passed, each and every corner of Seoul reminds me of him. A wave of memory swept over me like a tsunami.

The way back home was long. As I carried the bag of goods in my hands I saw something in the mail box. I took it out of the mailbox without thinking much and just walked inside struggling to carry three bags at the same time.

As I placed the bags on the counter I took a greater look at the mail I received. It was a postcard. It had a picture of a beautiful lake, not just any lake but a lake Haruto and I have been to once while we were both on a trip to his hometown.

My heart beat was increasing as I flipped the postcard over. Yes thank God yes!  It was from him. Three words, only three. "I'm coming home." What does that mean? I was still at shock. I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number.

It kept ringing without being answered. I gave up after calling him five times. A tear slipped and I was quick to wipe it away. This is so old fashioned. Who sends postcards nowadays anyway. I chuckled but still feeling sentimental.

I guess he'll give me a call back later once he's free and tell me this was all just a joke. So with that thinking in mind, I began working on my kimchi stew. I'm not that great of a cook so it took quite a long time to  finish cooking my dinner.

I took my meal to the living room and sat on the couch. I decided to finish the movie I watched last night, the notebook. I know, not a great choice of movie to watch while eating. I couldn't finish eating my dinner due to my intense crying.

I was in my feels but whoever rang the doorbell interrupted that. I paused the movie and stood up. I brush out my wrinkled shirt and wiped my teary eyes. I sighed in annoyance. Who ever in their right mind would disturb a girl who is in the middle of crying over a movie? I guess dumb people.

I opened the door as I faced down, afraid that whoever was at the door might notice my puffy red eyes. But wait... these shoes, they look extremely familiar. A good amount of adrenaline rushed through my body. I looked up and a warm smile greeted me.

"Were you crying? Because you missed me? I'm home now so that won't happen again?" the voice said.

I froze. "Wait so the postcard... you weren't kidding," I cried. "It has reached you already? I guess two good news came to you at the same time. What a lucky day for you," he said calmly.

"Are you just going to stand still because Y/N I'm dying to kiss you all over and hug you till you cannot breathe." 

I ran into his arms. I sobbed and he wiped my tears away. "Do have any idea how much I've missed you? I went to bed every night thinking of the day when I'll be able to see you again. And I hate to say this but please don't ever leave me again. As much as I want to be supportive about your dream, I'm afraid I'm against the idea of you studying abroad again," I said hugging his torso tightly.

He laughed lightly, "Don't worry babe everything has been sorted out and I promise to stay by your side always from now on."

As you went to bed that night, you talked about all the things he had missed out on and you vice versa. You both laid on the bed face to face. The bright moonlight lit up the room. You stroked his face tenderly and he rested his hands on your hips. You felt so loved and at home. This person, Haruto, your soulmate was your home. And now that he's here with you, everything was at place again.

I am working on you imagines and hopefully I will be able to publish them by this week. Assignments are getting the best of me so I haven't had the time to write much and I also expect that that will happen for quite a few more days. So please, I kindly ask you to be patient with me😄🤍

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