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Summary: A story where Haruto and Y/N spend a day as their pamper day and later at night went out stargazing. (the ending part is very cute istg)

Haruto and I had been doing nothing all day. We used today to relax and pamper ourselves. We watched movies all day, went out for dinner and later at night put on face masks. "Y/N can i take them off now? It's been 15 minutes already." "No be patient haruto. It has been only 10 minutes. You need to keep it on for 5 more minutes" saying that Haruto pouted endlessly so i just told him to take it off.

I took off my face mask and went to our bedroom. Haruto came in and snuggled beside me on the bed.
"Y/N do you wanna do something fun?" he asked with excitement that can be clearly heard in his voice. "Like what?"  " Maybe we can go to the beach" "Haruto are you crazy, it's aready night time and not to mention how cold the weather is today! Don't count me in."  "Come onnn it will be fun. I promise to make sure you have a great time with me despite the cold weather or whatever's stopping you from wanting to go to the beach with me."

I couldn't just decline this handsome man's offer so i just agreed to it. We put on warmer clothes, head downstairs and went to our car. Haruto was driving tonight. It was relevant for him to drive as he was the one who suggested going out in the first place. He turned on the volume of the car speaker. 'Can't help falling in love' by elvis was currently playing. The song totally fit the whole mood.

He started to sing along with his deep voice. I find it so soothing whenever Haruto sings. He placed his hands on my thigh and stroked it tenderly. I was falling in love with him all over again. "Take my hand. Take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you" i sang along. He took my hand and kissed it. This whole situation was so cute that it made me sentimental. My vision becoming all blurry due to the tears forming up in my eyes. Feeling the luckiest that i got to be with the person I love most, Haruto.

We finally reached the beach. Haruto parked the car and opened the door for me. He held my hand and we walked towards the beach. We sat down on the sandy beach. The bright moonlight was just about enough for us to see each other. We watched the beautiful stars above us. The cold breeze hit me and i shivered. Haruto immediately took notice and offered me his jacket. I couldn't take it because if i did, he would be cold too.

"Lay your head on my shoulder" he said and i did as he told me to. One of arms was wrapped around my waist while the other one was caressing my hair. "Y/N I love you very very much. You do know that right? I'm sorry i don't say it enough" he said and turned to face me. "I know. I love you too." "You know... I often think about our future. How in a few years we'd get married and have kids. I want to have the perfect family with you. I want to be the best father i can and you will be the best mother you could be. And if our kids take after you, my God (pause) they would all look so beautiful" his sudden choice of words made me tear up again. "Haruto, i love you, you are so sweet. But i really do hope that our future kids will take after you because i want them to be as beautiful and talented as their father is" i said smiling, tears still rolling down my cheeks.

Haruto wiped my tears and told me, "Y/N whatever obstacles life may throw upon us, we will get through it together and I promise to stay by your side... always" He said with sincerity and looked deep into my eyes. I have never loved haruto more than i do at this moment. I just nodded as a response to what he had said. I couldn't say anything. Tears just kept on flowing from my eyes. He planted kisses all over my lips and forehead. "Yah why are you crying my precious girl? Now you're gonna make your ruru cry" he said. I cringed and lightly hit him. He can be so cheesy at times.

I could I say live for his visuals, his talent, his perfectly built body, his way of talking, his way of doing things, the way he takes care of me, the way he loves me, just his everything. I live for him, Haruto, his presence itself.

~Hello yeorobun!! I really do hope you like this one. I even added a song to listen to while you guys are reading to make the mood but that's up to you. This one got me all softt. My favourate imagine so far😭💕

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