Introducing you to his family

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Omg im so sorry to the person who requested this imagine a long time ago. I completely forgot about it. My sincere apologies. @ari1zzz


I smoothened out my knee length, first-time-seeing-your-boyfriend's-family appropriate dress as I stepped out of Haruto's car. The day has finally come. The day Haruto will officially introduce me to his family.

Saying i was nervous would be an absolute understatement. I was beyond nervous. Taking the hint, Haruto held my hand and reassured me that everything will go just fine.

"Do I look okay? Is my hair messy?" I asked Haruto.
"Y/N you look perfect. Just be confident," he told me and smiled. "What if your parents don't like me?."
"Don't worry Y/N Im sure they will like you. How can anybody not like a person like you?" he said and I smiled at his response.

Haruto rang the doorbell and Haruto's mother immediately came to the door and greeted us a warm welcome. Haruto gave his mother an air kiss. "Hi Y/N nice to finally meet you. Haruto has told us so much about you," she said and gave me a casual welcome hug. "It's nice to finally meet you too Mrs. Watanabe."

We got inside Haruto's house and he introduced me to his other family members. "Mom, I think Y/N and I are gonna hangout in my room for a while," Haruto told his mother. "Sure. I'll call you two when dinner is ready," her mom said.

"Wow I can't believe I'm in your room. So you used to sleep here everyday before you moved out of this house?" I asked. "Yup I can't believe everything is just the same as the way I left it before," he mumbled. We were looking through his old stuff.

I walked over to his shelf and saw one framed picture. Haruto was hugged by two girls in that picture. He looked so cute. He didn't look older than 12 in that picture. "Who are these girls?" I asked.

"Huh?" he said busy doing other things. I walked over to him and showed him the picture. "Oh these two girls are my friends here in Fukuoka," he said and smiled. "Are you still in contact with each other?" I asked.

"No- wait are you asking because you're jealous?" he said and laughed. "No I'm not I have really handsome guy friends back in my home town too," I said. "Which reminds me I should probably give them a call. I haven't talked to them in sooo long," I added.

Haruto suddenly pinned me down on his bed. "You can only talk to me babygirl," He said in a low tone husky voice and kind of gave me a smirk. "What don't babygirl me!" I exclaimed.

"I will babygirl you whenever I want," he said and leaned down closer towards my face. "Haruto! stop this. What if your parents come in!" I hit his chest but he won't budge. He leaned in closer.

I gave in and closed my eyes. Just when I could almost feel his lips on mine, his mom opened the door. "Kids, come and eat-". Haruto quickly got off me and a quickly sat up. "Oh uhm mom... we'll come," Haruto said. I couldn't say anything I just sat there frozen. I couldn't move nor speak because I was too embarrassed.

As soon as his mom walked away. I spoke, "See I told you your parents could come in anytime. Im so embarrassed. I have such a bad first impression on your parents. Now they're going to think of me as a hoe OMG no they are going to think of me as a hoe."

"Y/N you are so funny. We were acting a little X rated so what? Don't be such a goody two shoes girlfriend my princess," he said and kissed me. "I hate you," I whispered as we both walked out of the room.

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