The Bully

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Y/N's pov:
I heard my alarm ringing. Still closing my eyes, I stretched my arm to reach the alarm clock to shut it off. I didn't want to go to school because i would have to deal with Haruto's bullying. I could say he just has a habit of bullying me. He has been bullying me ever since i transferred to this school. Each day, i wake up knowing that once i step into the school compounds, i would be held under haruto's supremacy again. I wish i could just transfer schools. But believe me, transferring schools isn't as easy as you think it is.

I finally got out of bed. I washed up myself, ate breakfast and got myself ready for school. I went to school by bus as usual. My parents are almost always busy with their business trips so it's a normal daily routine for me to go to school by bus. I reached school after 15 minutes. Honestly, i was scared of going in. I told myself, "I am Y/N. I am strong and i can deal with whatever circumstances i am or might face today" and confidently walked in.

Just as expected Haruto was standing beside my locker. "Hello, shorty, you're late today". "Please stop bothering me. I'm not in a good mood today" i said and started to walk away. He pulled my back and flipped me around so now i was facing him. "I'm craving a chocolate milk so go get me one!" he said while bending his knees to look at me more clearly and he pushed me off to the side. "I'm so done with haruto and his bullying" i murmured under my breath while getting the chocolate milk he had asked for. I was afraid that he might do something even worse if i don't get it for him.

The school bell rang which indicated that classes were starting. I hurriedly walked towards my class. I'm glad i got to class just in time. I gave haruto the milk he had asked for, and guess what, that tall brat didn't even say thank you. He seriously needs to be taught MANNERS.  The teacher came in along with a tall guy who seemed to be around my age. He faced towards the whole class so i now got a better view of him. I'm not going to lie but he's got the looks. Haruto is said to be the king of visuals in this school. But i was now doubting that title of his since a new good looking boy who seemed to have a better personality than Haruto has just transferred.

"Hello everyone. I'm a new transfer student and my name is Park Jeongwoo. I hope we'll all get along" the new boy said. "You may sit next to Y/N since it's the only seat that is empty" the teacher told him. Jeongwoo seemed so friendly so i was glad that he got to sit beside me. "Hello im Y/N" "Oh hi Y/N" he replied.

Classes went by as usual. It was now lunch time and I walked towards the school cafeteria. "Y/N" i heard someone calling my name which echoed through the school hallways. I turned around to see the jeongwoo running towards me. "Y/N can i sit at lunch with you? You know i literally have no friends at all and I  hate eating alone. So will you please let me eat with you?" He pleaded. How could i not let his cute boy eat with me i said to myself. "Of course! You can eat with me. Kaja."

Jeongwoo was now sitting in front of me. We talked about the classes we had earlier and we also talked about ourselves. I saw haruto giving jeongwoo dirty looks from the side of my eyes. It was usually around this time when  Haruto would come sit next to me and start annoying me again. But that didn't happen today. It must be because Jeongwoo is with me i thought to myself.

Days have passed by and jeongwoo and I have been as close as ever. He stuck to me like glue and we always hung out together. We always ate lunch together. My being a loner, he is the only friend i have. At this point, i could even say he is my best friend.

Before entering class today, haruto and i accidentally crossed paths by the lockers. He seemed to be full of anger. Ever since i started hanging out with jeongwoo, haruto has been really distant. He and his bully started to lessen day by day. I should be glad that he has stopped bullying me right? But why do i feel like this. I was feeling as if i had just lost a longtime buddy of mine. Yes, haruto was never my friend and nor was I his.

I was cut off from my deep thougts by Jeongwoo. He shuffled my hair roughly. "Let's head to class. We're gonna be late" "Oh yeah I almost forgot. What's the deal between you and that tall Haruto guy?" He asked. "He used to bully me but not in that bad of a way." "Really? But that doesn't make sense. Judging by what he had said to me earlier he seemed to be jealous of us" he said looking confused. "I really don't think so Jeongwoo, maybe you misunderstood what he had said." With that we went to our class.

Classes have been surprisingly short lately. Maybe it's because we were now close to graduation day.
It was now again lunch time. I walked to the cafeteria with jeongwoo. We took a seat and put our food trays down on the table. "Y/N i'm going to go to the restroom. I won't take long so please watch out for my food" jeongwoo said. I replied with an 'okay.'

My wrist was suddenly being held. I looked up to see who it was. It was haruto. He has never made physical contact with me. He may be rude and intimidating at times but he has never been the type to touch a woman without her permission. I should've seen this coming all along. He avoided me for days, his bullying even stopped. I should've noticed that something bigger was about to come my way. How stupid of me. I was agressively being dragged towards the school's rooftop. I have never been this scared of Haruto before. When we finally reached the rooftop i was surprised to see that only the two of us were there. There usually are a lot of people here in this time of the day. He roughly pinned me to the wall. "Haruto why are you doing this? you're scaring me." "Y/N have you no clue at all? Are you really this clueless or are you just pretending to be?" he asked me with a serious face. "What do you mean?" i asked, my voice almost breaking, scared because i have never experienced this kind of situation before. "Y/N i like you. I have liked you from the very start. Seeing you everyday next to your petty friend makes me so jealous." he said and came closer to me, searching my eyes. "Haruto i don't even know what to say. What was up with all that bullying then?" "Actually i tried to be friends with you but i somehow messed it up and became the person you find really annoying."

I don't know what i felt back then or what came over me but i just had the sudden urge to hug him. So, I hugged him tightly. My face was now buried deep into his chest. He hugged me back and chuckled, " I guess i was right. You had feelings for me all along." He broke the hug. He held my waist and pulled me closer. He tlited his head and came in for a kiss.

We broke the kiss when we heard Jeongwoo shouting from across us. "I knew it! You both liked eached other. Now that this happened, what haruto had said to me and his bullying all makes sense now." "Congrats you two lovebirds" he shouted which made me blush. Haruto pulled me closer to him and held my hands. "So what's next my girlfriend?" he asked cheesily. "Get to our class" i said and looked up to him. He pecked my forehead and we headed for our class.

~Hello everyone. I'm sorry this request took me so long to pulish it. I barely have any free time these days. I hope you enjoy this one. Do support me by voting on my imagines <33

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