Refusing to go to your house

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9:30 pm

Rain was lightly drizzling and I was enjoying my leisure time by watching a movie while my entire body was covered with my favourite fluffy blanket.

There's only about 6 minutes left of the movie. I was really hyped at the beginning of the movie but then I got bored eventually.

Watching a movie can be fun and all but all I need right now is a hug and a kiss. And I know only one person who could give me exactly what want.

I took my phone that was beside me and called Haruto. He didn't pick up but I wasn't about to give up that easily. I called him three more times. He still didn't pick up. I was thinking what he could be up to. I looked at the time, he wouldn't be sleeping because he usually stays up late.

Just when I was about to put down my phone in lost of hope, my phone rang. Haruto called, Finally. I picked up.

"I called you 4 times why didn't you pick up?"

"I''m sorry babe. I was a bit busy."

"What were you doing? Can you please come over? I'm so bored."

"I don't really feel like coming over right now Y/N. I hope you'll understand. I'll come tomorrow morning okay?"

"What? Why do you not feel like coming over? Am I a nuisance to you?" I said trying to best to stay calm and not get hurt or frustrated.

"No Y/N you aren't. I promise to come see you early in the morning and stay until you sleep at night. Just not tonight okay? I love you."

The call ended. I ended the call actually. I couldn't stand him. What does he mean he doesn't feel like coming over? After what he said he is the last person I want to see right now. The least he could do was to explain the reasons why he didn't want to come over.

Now that my only boyfriend doesn't want to come over and see me, I have nothing better to do but sleep so I went to bed.


I felt a light kiss on my arms and forehead. I wiped my eyes and yawned. I turned around and saw Haruto. I'm still mad at him. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"Hey Y/N I'm sorry I woke you up. I didn't mean to," He said in a husky voice and rubbed my arms. His hands were ice cold. His nose was red. It was visibly clear that he was cold.

I pulled up the covers for him to sleep beside me. "Aren't you mad at me?" he asked me still standing. "I am but come here. I know you're cold."

He got on the bed beside me. I laid my head on his chest. I looked up at his face and asked him why he said he didn't want to come over earlier. "I had a headache that's why. I had to come over because I felt bad after what I said and also because you ended our call without telling me you love me back," He said and looked down to meet my eyes. "I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings I love you so so much," he added.

"I love you too," I said. "Finally. The words I want to hear the most," He said and laughed. I hugged him and kissed him. "Let me cuddle you," He said and nuzzled his nose against mine which I love. "I also bought snacks but you can eat those tomorrow. Let me just hold you close tonight."

I slept in Haruto's embrace. I felt safe, happy and loved.

Im still working on the other requested imgines I promise. Sorry for taking so long. Also which one do you like better when ready fanfictions, Reader x idol or a fictional character x idol? because im planning on writing an actual fanfiction. A haruto fanfiction which is, of course😉

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