Divorce papers

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You and Haruto were both sitting on your bed. You sat so close to each other yet he felt so far away from you. The kind of lifestyle you lived as a married couple was not ideal. You both have your own jobs which you invest most of your time in. You haven't been acting like you used to before. You both were distant and the spark just wasn't there anymore.

You finally closed your laptop as you felt the need to talk to your husband, Haruto. "I feel like we haven't talked as much as we used to," you said almost whispering as you took off your working glasses and placed them at your side of the bedside table. "Hmm what?" he said his attention and focus still on his laptop.

"You're always working and you never make time for me," pause "My family is inviting over us for dinner this Saturday night along with our other cousins and their families. They wanted to have a family dinner all together while most of our cousins are in town" you told him. "You know i dont have time Y/N I have told you many times that I have an important meeting this Saturday," he said.

"But you always said family comes first. Why can't you just spare an hour or two of your time for the dinner. Im sick of always bailing out on family gatherings because of your so called important meetings and what not. It's embarrassing for me" you said quite pissed. "Can't you just try to understand and stop interrupting me while i work? I have to finish this by tonight," he said.

"I always make time for you whenever you ask me to go to some place with you and now I ask you one little thing and you can't even make time for me. Really Haruto? Really?" you said. He finally closed his laptop. "Oh is that so? Oh you are so perfect. I'm so glad I married such a perfect wife who always makes time for me. So. Glad," he said. "Stop it. If you can't make time then don't come" you said "All you care about is your work anyway."

"And what have you done for me? you never make breakfasts for me like other wifes do, you never show you love and affection like other wifes do. It's always 'Haruto Im a working woman, You can't expect me to act like most wifes. My job is tough, Im busy' don't think you're perfect and blame and accuse for being the one at fault" he said.

You we're so angry you could practically feel your insides burning. "You are so unreasonable. What the hell is wrong with you?" you asked knitting your eyebrows together. You took his hand and placed it over your heart. "Haruto do you still love me?" you felt like you were a bit too dramatic but you didn't care. Your eyes were watering because of anger and a lot of other emotions which you couldn't describe.

There was a long pause. He didn't answer. And a tear fell from your eye. "Im tired. Im going to sleep. You can continue working or sleep do whatever you want" you said and placed your head on your pillow.

The next morning, which is Saturday morning you got up before your husband and got ready for work. You were so angry at him for the fight you had last night but you still loved him which sometimes would cool your anger down. You doubt whether he still loved you. If he did, then why was it so hard for him to say so? Why did he just keep quiet? So many questions were flowing in.

At 7:30pm you drove back home from your office. You still haven't heard a word from your husband. When you reached home you walked to your closet. You took out a suitcase and started packing up your clothes. After packing up your stuff you huffed and laid your back on the bed. You tried to hold in your tears but failed to do so. You thought whether what you're doing was the right thing. Whether it was a mature decision. But you came to the conclusion that you were about to leave Haruto for good.

Still laying down on the bed you took out your phone from the pocket of your pants and texted Haruto.

I put some important paper in your desk drawer this morning before you got to your office. You might want to check it out.

What do you mean?


You threw your phone across the room. You could
hear your phone ringing continuously and you knew exactly who the caller was. But you just stared blankly at the ceiling your tears fell down non-stop. You were thinking whether he had seen the divorce papers, whether he had signed it. You thought of so many things that you felt your mind fogging up slowly.

After a while you finally got up. You wiped your tears away and took your suitcase with you. Your plan was to pack only one suitcase to last you for a week and then you'll take the rest of your things and move them to your new apartment, that is, if you find one.
You walked down the stairs and when you reached the door, you stopped momentarily and took a good last look at the house, you and Haruto's house. Which would now only become Haruto's. Your heart broke because you picked this very house together when you got married. It was your dream house but now you have to say goodbye to it.

You took ahold of the door handle, pulled it and walked out. Just then Haruto pulled up in his car with great speed right in front of the house. He got out and slammed the car door as he walked towards you. He wore an angry expression on his face. This was the first time you saw him this angry and also the first time anyone had slammed his car door that hard as he would never let anyone and even himself slam the car door because the car was one of his most prized possessions.

You just stood there. You didn't know what else to do. "Come here we need to talk," he said and he grabbed your arm and lowering his eyebrows, clenching his jaws and flaring his nostrils. He dragged you back into the house. He threw you on the couch. "Y/N now tell me what the fuck are you doing!?" he practically shouted. "I was in the middle of an important meeting I had already told you about this a 100 times. Explain what the fuck is up with you."

"Let's get divorced Haruto. We know we both are busy with our own lives. We aren't like how we used to be before. There's no spark between us anymore. And i feel like im a burden to you," "Y/N-" "No I'm not done yet. Do you know how many times I've cried myself to sleep at night? Do you know how unloved I feel each living day? I feel so alone Haruto" You spoke in an almost shouting angry tone and broke down and cried. "I just can't keep living like this anymore. I'm not strong enough for this," You said.

"I love you Y/N. I love you with my whole heart and Im sorry for making you feel the way you do. But what about the vows me made. The promises. We promised to stay by each other's side for better or for worse and promised to love and cherish each other forever right?" he said and he got on his knees and took both of your hands and held them and he looked into your eyes the whole time he said that. "Y/N if you love me please look into my eyes and tell me so. You are strong. We are strong and we can fight through this. I love you always Y/N," He said and a tear fell from his eye.

"Haruto I'm scared" you finally looked into his eyes. "Y/N I'm here I promise. I'll always stay by your side no matter what." "I love you" you cried and kissed your husband whom you loved so much. "Let's not repeat the same mistakes we made okay? And we should both try to act as the adults that we are. When you feel like giving up again which i doubt you will anymore just tell yourself 'just a little more, i have to tolerate just a little more' and i'll do the same and everything will be aright because we have each other my love," he said gently and rubbed your tear stained cheeks as he looks at you lovingly with happy sad eyes.

"Im sorry," You said and pulled him up to sit on the couch with you. "Did you sign the paper anyway?" You asked him hesitantly. "Do I look like I would? I don't give a fuck about those papers. Let's forget it and go out for dinner. Pasta?" he said. "Always a yes" you kissed him and we got ready for dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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