To love you unconditionally

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I slowly opened my eyes as Haruto's elbow lightly brushed my thighs. I turned around and saw him laying there on the beach, on top of the mat. I tapped his shoulder a few times and he woke up from his quick nap.

"What time is it?" he asked as he sat up. "I don't know, quite late. The sun's almost setting," I replied. The view on the beach was beautiful. The purple sky, the light breeze, the sound of the waves, everything just fits all so well together to make a peaceful and an enjoyable ambience.

"Do we still have the sandwich you packed earlier before we left?" I asked. "Yes I hope so," he said and rummaged through the basket we brought along with us. "Here, enjoy my one and only princess. I hope my sandwich will make your pouty face go away," he said and pinched both sides of my cheeks with his hands.

"I wasn't pouting!" I defended myself. "Okay~ whatever you say," he said and snuck a giggle. He kept looking at me as i ate. "It's just me eating so what is it that you're looking at with so much desire in your eyes? The sandwich perhaps?" I asked. "No," he said and leaned forward and I backed up a little. "Stop, stop moving," he said and wiped off the fillings of the sandwich that was smeared across my lips and chin.

"Also, it's not the sandwich it's you. You are so cute when you eat and even when you don't. You are just genuinely cute and I want to keep you safe inside my pockets and kiss you all day long," he said still locking his stare. I smiled back at him.

"Want a bite?" I held the sandwich before his face. He took a bite and smiled at me. "I'm so glad i have you in my life," he said as he looked at the sky. "That was so out of the blue," I said and laughed away.

"Hey that was mean. Aren't you gonna say something back? Like maybe how much I mean to you or how much you love me?" He pouted and looked at me. "That would take me forever to say because the amount of love i have for you is just too much," I said and pecked his lips.

"No matter what stands between us, be it a city, or time, or a state, or a universe. I will always, always overcome all those things just to have you run into my arms and to love you unconditionally," he said and laid his head onto my laps. "So will I," I said and ran my fingers through his hair.

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