Being Haruto's tutor Part (1/2)

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(Requested chapter)


Y/N's pov:

I was currently at school, in my first class. I don't know why but I have a hard time concentrating today. I suddenly snapped out of my chain of thoughts when i heard the school bell ringing. I was glad that the class was finally over. But little did i know that my little sense of happiness would be crushed in just a split second.

"As we have come to the end of your semester, you need to put extra effort into your works. We will be giving you more works. So the weaker students will be tutored by the students who have gotten better grades throughout the whole semester," said the teacher and he called out the names of the students who were assigned with who.

I felt a cold spark hitting me when i heard my name after the teacher said who would be tutoring Haruto. It wasn't that i did not want to tutor someone. I would love to help my fellow students to get better grades. But it was just the fact that I had to tutor none other than the famous Haruto. We really aren't that close and we haven't even had a proper conversation in my entire existence.

Haruto wasn't the type of person one could easily approach. I could say that he has a somewhat rude character. He is known to be the cold but handsome guy of this school, which i indeed agree upon. He doesn't talk much and neither does he interact much with people.

Time skip

My last class was finally over. I was so proud of myself for successfully completing another school day. I stopped by Haruto's locker and waited for him. As expected he walked towards me with a straight, annoyed face.

"I heard that you were assgined to be my tutor" he said while opening his locker.

"Yes... uhm... that is actually why I'm here. So what do you think about starting from tomorrow? It's a Saturday so I'm assuming that I'm going to be free."

"Okay Lydia. Oh wait was it Y/N again? Forget it. The actual question is do I even want you to be my tutor" he said.

Two sentences from haruto's reply really triggered me. It was that he didn't even know my name and it was his "do i even want you to be my tutor."

"Okay then go inform the teacher that you don't want me as your tutor and that you want a new one. Besides i don't want to tutor you anyway" i replied with a hinge of an angry tone.

I was going to storm off but i got pulled back with a great force. I was almost about to shout at Haruto but that was when i found the strings of my backpack stuck in his locker door. I tried pulling it out but couldn't. Asking for Haruto's help would be the last thing that i would do in this current situation.

"Hey Haruto, would you mind giving me some help here" i asked my voice being all soft in order to get his help.

"Only if you promise to help me get better grades. I'm offering you a great deal here. Accept or no help" he said with a slight smirk.

I had no other option but to accept his offer. He took out his hands from his pockets and held it in front me. I shook hands with him and he helped me with my little 'bag stuck in the locker' accident.

Time skip

Today was Saturday, and here I am, spending the most boring hour to ever exist in my entire life. I was currently teaching haruto math. This boy really is something. Let me clarify this one more time, me and haruto do not get along... at all.

We have studied for an hour and a half. He suddenly stood up, cleared his books that were on the table, wore his bag and just left the room.

"Haruto! I didn't say that you could leave yet" i shouted and reached out for him.

"Gotta go" he said and kinda just brushed me off.

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