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Plot: In which Haruto cheats on you with Iz*one's Wonyoung.

Please note that this is pure fiction and is not meant to hurt or offend anybody.

8:30 pm:

Dating an idol has many pros and cons. But one of the most common cons would be their busy schedule and also meeting up with a lot of other idols. And that's exactly what I'm dealing with these days, Haruto's busy schedule. It won't be a complete lie to say that Haruto's idol life has been affecting our relationship as a couple.

I just came home from my work and I was exhausted. I decided to fix myself a nice warm bath. I took off my clothes and threw them in the laundry basket. I sinked my body down in the bathtub and I could smell the smell of fresh lavender from the bathbomb I used. At this time when I'm taking a bath, I would usually just play a song on my phone and just listen to it and that was just what I was about to do.

I stretched my right arm towards the little stool beside the bathtub and took my phone. I opened my spotify and played 'Orange' by Treasure. The perfect song to listen to while taking a bath. Whenever I listen to this song, I would think of Haruto. My thoughts were cut off by the sudden ringing of my phone. i picked up to see who it was and it was my friend.

*On the line*

"Hi F/N what's up?"

"Hey Y/N I sent you a text and you might wanna check that out."

"What's it about?"

"Just... just see it for yourself"

"I'm taking a bath right now so i'll check it later."

"No I think you should check it now," F/N said sternly.

"Okay I'll check it now. Bye." I ended the call.

I wonder what this text could be about that it couldn't wait till I finish my bath to check it. I wiped my wet hands with a towel that was nearby and unlocked my phone. I opened F/N's message. It was a picture and a text along with it that read, "Isn't this Haruto's instagram account?"

I eagerly clicked on the photo and the moment i saw what the picture was, my heart dropped. Haruto had commented "my sweet baby" under Wonyoung's instagram post. I felt a huge knot in my stomach. My heartbeat felt as if it became slower and slower as seconds go by. I couldn't think cleary, everything was a blur.

Haruto was still at work. I didn't text or call him all day simply because he said he would be extra busy today. I got out of my bath and wore my bathrobe. I sat on the bed and I took another good look on the picture just to check if what I saw before was wrong and it wasn't really Haruto that commented.

With shaky breath and shaky hands, i took a look at the photo again. It really was Haruto, his username, his profile picture and everything made it crystal clear that it was him. What I felt was undescribable. It was hard to breathe and my stomach kept knotting and twisting itself.

Not having the ability to hold back my anger, tears and jealousy anymore, I cried. I cried and cried till I had the courage to finally call Haruto to find out what this was all about. What made me doubt the situation more wad that Haruto hasn't been spending a lot of time with me and has been distant.

I took a deep breath and dialed Haruto's number. As the line kept on ringing, I clasped my hands and prayed that everything would just be a big misunderstanding. Finally I heard his voice on the line. "Haruto... what are you doing?" I asked trying my best to conceal my breaking voice.

"Y/N I'm busy right now. I'll call you later okay?" he said and ended the call. That was when I completely lost my shit and cried again, a lot more than I did before. His words made everything clear. He was busy. He was busy what? was he busy being in love with wonyoung? I cried even more.

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