Treasure High

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Based off of the Treasure web drama, "It's okay, that's friendship."

I hope you all like the storyline I chose for this Imagine.

Treasure High, a school almost every teenager wants to attend. And yet, Y/N got lucky enough to transfer to this school. Honestly, she feels kind of nervous. I mean think about it, she doesn't know anyone in this school? Things could either go very wrong or very right.


I wandered through the halls of Treasure High. There's not a single person in this school that I know of. I walked towards the school office to register myself and get done with important things.

On my way to the office, I bumped onto someone and I spilled my red tinted strawberry drink that I was drinking onto the person's shirt. I immediately thought what more could possibly go wrong?

Embarrassed and sorry, I looked up and met eyes with the person. He was mad, furious. "Ah I'm so sorry. I didn't look at my way clearly. Here- let me clean your shirt," I said and stretched my arm towards his shirt trying to rub off the stain with my handkerchief.

He took a hold of my wrist and threw it off harshly. "How dare you touch me," he gave me a cold stare and kicked the spilled juice bottle as he and his four other friends walked away. Until that moment, I never knew that one could be so rude and impolite.

I picked up the plastic bottle and threw it in the nearest trash can and proceeded to register myself in and get done with necessary school things. Just as I walked out of the school office, the bell rang. Indicating that classes were starting soon.

I ran to my first class and just when i thought i managed to get there just in time, the teacher was already there. The teacher looked towards me and gave me a smile and I bowed. He announced, "Good morning everyone. Today we have a new student that will be joining us from now on. Please come up front and introduce yourself Y/N L/N."

I hesitantly walked towards the front of the class and gave an introduction. "You can go and sit beside Haruto. Over there," the teacher pointed towards the seat. I took a clearer look of the person and my heart dropped. This can't be. It was the boy from this morning.

It seems as if my life has a series of unfortunate events in store for me. How am I going to last all year long sitting beside this boy named Haruto?. I slowly walked my way towards my to-be seat. He was on his phone with his airpods in so he didn't notice me sitting down.

The moment I sat down, I prayed to God that everything would go okay from this moment onwards. The guy sitting infront of me turned backwards and said, "You're that girl from this morning right? My name is So Junghwan. Your's is Y/N right?" he asked politely. It kind of caught me off guard since not a single student  i have met in this school has been nice to me. "Ha yeah I am and yes that's right my name's Y/N."

"Just so you know you better not be on bad terms with with Haruto. You won't enjoy it," he whispered. "Oh... I see. Thanks for the advice," I said. This guy seemed like a nice guy.

Our first class was korean literature and we learnt a lot of things. "Okay, do the works from pages 97 and 102 now and if you cannot finish it during this class you can continue at home or during your breaks whichever you prefer," The teacher said.

"What was the page number again?" I bent forward and asked Junghwan. "He slightly turned his shoulders and said, "Page 97 and 102." Before i could even thank him for helping me out, a hand landed on my shoulder and pulled me back down to my seat. I turned to my right and Haruto had a poker face on. He took out his book from his backpack and placed it on the table. "You can do my homework for me," he said and laid his head down on the table using his arms as a pillow.

I lightly tapped his arm and he opened his eye. "What do you want?" he asked not giving a shit.
"I'm sorry but it's 'can you do my homwork for me?' not 'you can do my homework for me'" I told him. He stood up straight and suddenly leaned towards my face and he was kind of looking down at me. There was only about to inches between us. "So? Are you not going to do it? Is that it?" he asked, serious. After a few seconds of staring at me he leaned back.

I looked the opposite way and took a breath. For some reason I was holding my breath that whole time. I guess I forgot how to breathe. I have never in my entire life been as close as that with a boy.

Lunch time:

I had no one to sit with so I wandered around the cafeteria. "Y/N" someone called my name. It was a boy and he was holding his guitar. Beside him were three other boys, two with glasses and one with a headphone around his neck. Having no other choice, I walked towards their seat. "Can I sit here?" I asked.
"Yes of course, please sit," a cute guy with glasses said. "Hi, my name is Choi Hyunsuk," The same guy said. "Hi my name's Bang Yedam and this is Mashiho," he said pointing at the guy with the headphones. "And this is Yoshinori," he said again pointing at the other guy with glasses.

"How's your first day here at treasure high?" Yoshi asked. "Not great. I started off the day in the worst possible way," I replied with a frown. "I feel so sorry for you, I saw you this morning and I was going to help you out but then Junkyu shouted my name saying that he had lost his phone which after searching it for 10 minutes we found out that it happened be inside his pockets all along," Hyunsuk complained. "Y/N here's a piece of advice never ever be on bad terms with Haruto NEVER," he said. I asked why. "Don't you know that Haruto is an heir to the Hilteum Hotels. His family owns about 5.5 trillion hotels around the world. He basically owns everything and anything in this school and can act however he wants. He's like the God of this school, really," He said.


part 2 is on it's way. Im sorry if this was too long i just didn't know how to make this imagine short because I was too into it😭🤘🏿. Hope it's to your enjoyment though.

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