The playlist

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in this imagine, winter is the current season haha.

Ps. I changed the whole chapter of the 'airport' imagine so if you want you can read it again. The one that I wrote before was so cringy that's why I re-wrote it.

Today, Haruto thought that it was a great idea to walk our dog Ruru at the park. I bought strawberry ice cream for both of us and we ate it. Haruto played with Ruru while I was sitting on the grass. I just watched them play because I didn't feel like joining them.

Later on, Haruto came up to me along with Ruru and asked me, "Y/N are you alright?"  "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just cold that's it. Maybe it was the ice cream that I ate, " I replied while standing up, cleaning up the back of my pants.

He gave me Ruru's leash and told me to hold it tight. He walked behind me, took off his favourite black puffy jacket and made me wear it. He then walked in front of me and asked me, "Is it warmer now?".  "Yes now that I'm wearing your jacket, " I replied jovially.

His perfectly fitted jacket looked so big on me but it is so comfortable. Besides, it smells like him which makes it a million times better. "You look so cute Y/N," he said as he bent down a bit and kissed my forehead. Now you see, this is the kind of thing that just makes my heart flutter like crazy.

We were now walking home. Haruto held my hand and he rubbed his thumb against my fingers. I put both of our hands inside his jacket's pocket that I was now wearing.

We reached our humble abode and Haruto decided that he wants to take a nap and so he did. Before I took off his jacket that I was wearing, I reached the other side of the pocket that I haven't reached before in search of my phone. Instead, I found Haruto's iPod*.

Out of the curiosity that filled me up, I wanted to check what songs he has been listening to recently. And so, I opened iTunes and strolled through all of his playlists. One playlist caught my eye, it was titled 'Y/N', and I opened it to see all these romantic and heartfelt songs. I listened to them one by one, paying extra attention to the lyrics carefully.

It didn't take long for me to start tearing up. I looked at his sleeping face with tears in my eyes. He woke up to my loud sniffing and looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Y/N are you okay? Why are you crying?" he asked. I couldn't say anything I just laughed and showed him the iPod.

"Aww come here," he said and he hugged me. "I love you Y/N, with all my heart," he concluded. "I love you with every inch of me" I replied and laid my chin on his chest. He smiled at me, wiped my tears away and just pinched my cheeks.

(for those of you who don't know what an iPod is, it is a portable device that apple create particularly for listening to music etc.)

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