Haruto as a Dad (2)

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Yup i'm back hAHaa. Back with this crappy imagine. I'll be writing more. So sorry for being gone for so long. Please give a vote/star for more imagines. Take care💕

Y/N's pov:

I just came home from work and I was really tired.
Haruto had to stay at home with D/N today because she was sick and I couldn't take a leave of absence today at work.

I head to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I chugged down the water and shouted, "Haruto I'm home!" and headed upstairs. I opened our bedroom door expecting to see both my husband and my daughter. But to my surprise, I didn't. I just assumed that they were in D/N's bedroom so I didn't bother calling out for them.

I changed my work clothes into comfy clothes and walked to D/N's bedroom. They weren't there either. Now I started to panic. But then I heard giggles which sounded very much like D/N's coming for her playroom. I quickly ran downstairs again and opened the door.

My hand was still on the doorknob and my other hand was on my knee which was half bent. I took a deep breath.

I guess they didn't hear me because they were continuing whatever they were doing before. Now I stood by the door, arms crossed and I just watched them. My two beautiful babies.

"Appa don't move so much," D/N said with annoyance in her tone of voice. Half of Haruto's soft brown hair was tied up with sparkly pink ribbons into pigtails. D/N put on sparkly blue eye shadows onto Haruto's eyelid.

"Sweetie, don't you think this is a bit much?" Haruto asked and looked at himself deep in the mirror. "No apps, you're gonna look just like a princess," she said and Haruto immediately opposed. She put on bright red lip gloss on his lips. "Let's go, it's time to put on the dress," D/N squealed with excitement and her eyes were gleaming.

She took a hold of Haruto's index finger and guided him to her closet with all her play-princess-dresses.
She picked out a dress for him and told him to wear it and he did. Which caught me off guard. They both turned around and saw me.

"Eomma, appa is so beautiful right?" she asked me.
I laughed and hugged Haruto and D/N. "Of course he is, he always is," I said and he pecked my lips. "Thank you for taking care of D/N," I said to Haruto. "Is she actually sick because she doesn't seem like she is. She's so full of energy" he said and chuckled.

"Like mother like daughter, I guess?" I said. "Seems like it" he said.

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