study buddy

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Y/N's pov:
I just went home from school and was exhausted from all the studying that we did today. So, i decided to hop onto the shower to relax and to reboost my energy.

I went out of the shower and heard my phone ringing. I quickly checked to see who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw who the caller's name was. It was Haruto. The Haruto i have had a crush on for 2 years. We weren't that close so i was kind of nervous as to why he suddenly called me in this time of the day.

I answered the call. "Hello" i said. "Hello, Y/N i was going to ask whether you would like to tutor me for our upcoming exam, more like studying with me."

Words couldn't come out of my mouth as i was so shocked. "Of course" "Since tomorrow is saturday i guessing you're probably free so should we start from tomorrow?" "Ah I- yeah sure!" i replied back with a cheerful voice.

I woke up super early and made breakfast. With what haruto had said, I couldn't sleep last night. I was filled with excitement. Thinking whether this tutoring thing could lead to friendship or maybe more. After finishing my breakfast, I went to my room to pick out my outfit.

I finally reached the placed where we decided to meet. I was late since i couldn't settle with which outfit i should wear. I pushed the cafe door open and went inside to see a handsome 16 year old soon 17-to-be scrolling through his phone, driking something what seemed to be like soda. "Haruto, have you been waiting long for me?" i asked. "Not gonna like but yes. What took you so long?" "geunyang" i replied.

We have studied for an hour and a half when suddenly haruto brushed my arm while i was explaining a math equation to him. I faced him and he looked into my eyes. "Do we really need to finish this today. Isn't what we have learned enough for today? im starting to loose control of myself" he said. "I know but if you wanna ace this examination, we NEED to study." "two cups of ramyeon please and oh a two smoothies too!" haruto shouted completely ignoring what i have just said. "Don't blame me when you get your results then" i said.

This studying together went on for days. We got closer each day. Today was the last day of us studying together since he will be starting his exams next week. We finished our studying session so i packed my stuff inside my bag. "Can i come to your house for a ramen?" he asked. "You can literally order one here if you're hungry" "I could, but i want the one from your house" he said.

We reached my house and we both went inside. "I feel sleepy. You should've gone easy on me today since it's our last day" he said and pouted at me. "I will never go easy on you" i said and winked. "Really? You will regret saying that!!" he said and immediately ran after me. We were now chasing each other around the house, regardless of our age we acted as if we were small children, shouting and screaming which i could probably say is out of joy.

Haruto finally caught me and pulled me. He tripped over the coffee table and we both fell onto the couch. I was now under him. We were bothcatching our breaths from all the running that we did. There was a moment of silence. He quickly got off me and said, "Sorry, Y/N i didn't mean to do that." I blushed. "It's okay" i said and turned his head to face me. I stared at his lips, then his face, his angelic face that often make me think beautiful thoughts. He pulled me at the back of my neck and started kissing me. We kissed intimately.
"I always knew that you liked me" he said. "I-" i got interrupted my him. "I liked you from the very start Y/N. I not only like you but I love you."

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