'After' the date

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Y/N's pov:

Haruto took me on a super cute date today. It was more of a picnic date that he took me to. I was wearing a really cute mini dress. While haruto wore an outfit that totally fit the 'aesthetic' of today's date. We spent our time eating and chating away. Also, lots of photo sessions were had. The evening came by while we didn't even know. Haruto took my hand, kissed it and shoved it deep inside his pockets and then interwined our hands.

"Y/N it's getting a little late let's head back home shall we?" he asked and I agreed to it. He opened the car door for me as he always does. Once we got inside the car, he reached out his hand to the backseat and took out a flower bouquet.

It was the most beautiful bouquet ever. It was baby's breath and fresh, pale pink roses mixed. The best kind ever. He gave it to me and said, "For you, Y/N," and winked. I giggled and said, "You know, I hope that you'll always be as romantic as you are today." 

What I said made him stop driving the car. He turned to me, "Y/N what!? I'm always romantic *scoffs* Do you want me to show how romantic I am right now?" he said and smirked. "Haruto are you crazy start the car and drive right now!" i shouted at him. He started the car and drove again. 

"Bu- but I just wanted to show you my romantic side like I always do," he mumbled while one of his hands was on the steering wheel and his other hand was resting on the window frame, and his lean fingers rested on his forehead.

He looked... kind of sad actually. Him throwing a fit over that stupid 'romantic' thing shows how much of a baby he still is. "Haruto baby are you mad?" I asked while looking at him. There was silence for a good solid 10 seconds before he finally spoke again. 

"Yea kind of. You wouldn't let 'me' love you," he said while he looks at the road. "I said what I said before not because I wouldn't let you love me but because you just stopped in the middle of the road which was very irresponsible and dangerous," I explained to him. 

"Also, what do you mean by I wouldn't let you love me? All i did was refused to you showing me your romantic side not your love" i said. I placed out my hand and I signalled him to hold hands with me and he did. He turned to me and gave me a happy smile. I could just kiss him right then and there but I didn't since we were still on the road.

Once we reached home, took baths and dressed down ourselves, we got ready for bed. I was already on the bed waiting for Haruto to join me. After waiting for 5 minutes he finally came in the room and climed onto the bed. I hugged him and said, "I love you." "I love you too... so much," he replied.

He laid his head on my chest and hugged my waist. I dug my fingers through his hair which he loved when I do so. He on the other hand, drew different patterns and shapes on my belly which gave me a flutter of butterflies. "Haruto why are you such a big baby?" I asked him and laughed. "Y/N I'm not just a big baby, I'm your big baby," he complained. 

I cupped his face with both of my hands and kissed him. "Let's go to bed you charmer," i said and gave him a smile. "Okay baby" he replied. We then cuddled and went to sleep.

How'd you like this one was it good? I tried my best hAha hope that it'll be a good read for y'all. Also i still remember your requests. I'll to write and publish them asap! Remember requests are always open🤠💖

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