⚠️ NSFW Alphabet - David Lee Roth ⚠️

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Aftercare (what they are like after sex)

David is pretty cool after sex. He will usually clean you up and lay down next to you.

Body Part (their favorite part of you and themselves)

David's favorite part of you would be your hair, because let's face it; the guy has some pretty majestic hair himself. He just loves to bury his face in it and play with it all the time, whether you two are in a private or public place.

Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Let's be real here; Dave would want to cum on your stomach. He even insured his (*cough* large) dick so that he had to pay ridiculous amounts of money if he accidentally impregnated a groupie or something like that.

Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)

Dave loves when you pull his hair while doing the do.

Experience (how experienced are they)

Oh boy, our boy David is pretty well experienced, let's be real here. He's had his fair share of chicks before he even met you, you can't argue with that.

Favorite Position (their favorite way(s) to f*ck you)

Dave likes to fuck you when you are laying on your back with one of your legs on his shoulders.

Goofy (are they goofy or serious?)

Dave is kinda iffy. It depends on what mood he is in most of the time. When it is close to Valentine's Day or anniversaries, he can be really goofy and loving. But when you too just got done with and arguement or something, he his very caught up in the moment.

Hair (how well groomed are they/does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)

Dave's pubes are pretty much his natural hair color. But, he is not so. good with grooming it. It gets pretty wild if not groomed properly.

Intimacy (how romantic are they during sex)

Like I said, David's mood kinda depends on the situation. If you guys are celebrating something, he would be slow and steady. But if you two are not getting along so well, he would not be so intimate.

Jack Off (masturbation)

Dave doesn't really masturbate a whole lot, because he knows that you can fulfill his needs when he needs you.

Kink (one or more of their kinks)

Dave would probably like tying you up or something.

Location (their favorite place to do the do)

In David's private dressing room where no one can interrupt you two.

Motivation (what gets them going/turn ons)

Dave loves when you play with his hair while you two are making out.

No (something they wouldn't do/turn offs)

Dave doesn't like any of that rough, daddy kink stuff, or mild BDSM. Enough said.

Oral (preferences on giving/recieving)

Dave loves to give you oral. But if you wanted to suck him off, he wouldn't mind.

Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Depends on the mood.

Quickie (their opinion on quickies)

Maybe he'll throw in a quickie like 20 minutes before a show, but other than that, he won't normally do quickies.

Risk (are they game to experiment? Will they take risks, etc.)

He won't take many risks, but maybe he might in the near future, who knows?

Stamina (how long they can last for/how many rounds)

Dave can last at least 4-6 rounds before passing out.

Toys (do they own toys/how much do they own, etc.)

Handcuffs, silk blindfolds, and vibrators.

Unfair (how much they like to tease)

Not that much, but sometimes he will grind on you for a solid 2 minutes before you finally lose your cool.

Volume (how loud are they, what sounds they make, etc.)

Dave is really low, he will let out some grunts and the occasional whimper or moan, but that's about it.

Wild Card (random headcanon)

Dave once said in an interview that he  believes music should look exactly like it sounds for every genre. Take his crazy costumes, for example. :D

X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)

About a good 7.5 inches and T H I C K.

Yearning (how high is their sex drive)

9.5/10 (sex MACHINE)

Zzzzz (how fast they fall asleep afterwards)

David falls asleep after he knows you are comfortable and calm.

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