Backstage - Van Halen Outtakes

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(Hey all! So I've had an idea where I take some VH Outtakes, and instead of them being filmed, this is an AU where it is from a woman's perspective, and it is happening in real time. Also, there is no audio in these outtakes, so I have to make up what they are saying based on their lip and mouth movements lol. Hope you enjoy! Love ya! <3)


You were backstage in late 1983, during the filming of the "Jump" and "Panama" videos. Mikey was busy fixing his hair. When he was finished, he turned to face you and raised his eyebrows before thrusting his hips, making you chuckle. 

You then turned to Dave, who walked over to grab something in front of you before walking out of the room. A man peered into the room for a while.

Alex walked into the room and sat down, but stood back up again when a man came into the room holding many of Alex's drumsticks. Alex grabbed them and bent over to put something down before standing back up again and smiling at you briefly. He then chuckled at you before walking back out of the room, but coming back in again to wipe the sweat, take a swig of his drink and stuff a drumstick in his pants...for whatever reason that may be.

You then followed him into a dark room, where there appeared to only be Dave and a blonde woman. Dave turned to you and made his pouty eyebrow look, and said, "Sorry darlin', women are what I live for." 

Mikey entered the room and laid down on the couch before Alex stormed in and tipped to couch, causing Mikey to somersault off and get covered by the couch. You turned to Alex and he smiled and nodded, cigarette dangling out of his mouth as he turned back to Mikey, who had gotten up and tipped the couch back to its original position.

Mikey commented on something on the ceiling, and you tilted your head upwards to look at it, but when you looked back down, Mikey was a few centimeters away from your face, and he spooked you by lifting his arms up and letting out a loud screech, but you laughed it off before he playfully lunged at you, getting close to your face again before stepping back and laughing with you once more.

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