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Once again I wanna give massive thanks to markscult for being my inspiration– I hope this isn't too similar to your series (plagiarism is bad yk).

If you have any constructive criticism (this goes for anyone), please don't hesitate to share! I'd love to hear your opinions!



Pristine white walls reflect the divine light of God, who sits gracefully atop their throne draped in ivory and gold. Standing in front of them, an Archangel bows in respect despite being their heir.

"Mark," they begin, voice multitudinous with varying tones. "I have an important task for you, my son."

"Yes, Mother?"

"I have detected an increase of demonic activity in Seoul, South Korea. I require you and two chosen Angels to investigate, bringing me any knowledge you may uncover."

A faint frown flickers across Mark's expression, but he ignores his confusion and nods.
"How would you like us to do this?"

"I'd like you to attend a specific university as it will also be attended by three forsaken entities. Your credentials are already prepared, just make sure to keep Human intrigue to a minimum."

"Yes, Mother. We'll move as soon as possible."


"C'mon, you two! We're gonna be late."

Standing with his arms folded and white, gold-tipped wings protruding from his back, Mark waits for two of his friends to finish getting ready. He taps his foot, sending them a displeased look when they slam open the doors of their respective rooms.

"We're ready!" a young woman cheers, twirling in her favourite pastel pink dress and white flats.

"About time..."

She pokes her tongue out, linking arms with both him and the other young man beside her.
"Oh, don't be such a sourpuss, Mark. We have plenty of time."

Rolling his eyes, playfully of course, Mark initiates a beam of golden light that surrounds the trio. The two others, Eunah and Jeno, squeeze their eyes shut for no particular reason– opening them only when they feel themselves landing on soft grass.

Eunah is the first to run forwards, having landed in her parents' front garden on Earth. They moved down after the birth of their son– her younger brother, Siho.
She knocks on the door, rocking back and forth on her heels while the others catch up.

"Guys, wings," Mark reminds them, having retracted his own wings when they landed to appear more human.

Humans aren't able, or supposed to, see the supernatural. Not without the entity choosing to reveal themselves.

Jeno whispers a small 'oops' while Eunah shrugs, both folding their glossy white wings which disappear. The door opens seconds later, a teenager throwing himself at his older sister with such force that she would've fallen over if it weren't for Jeno.

"Siho! Hey, where's Mum and Dad?"

"Mum's at the shop, Dad's at work," Siho replies, letting go to mess up Eunah's hair.
She huffs, patting it back down, and the trio are led inside.

Last time she was here, it was Christmas time and the neighbours were around for dinner. They're an elderly couple whose children have moved out of the country, so Eunah's parents invite them over during holidays.

She runs upstairs to her room, throwing herself on the deep pink bed covers with a heavy exhale. Everything is freshly washed, smelling of vanilla, and her plush white bunny Snowball is propped in the middle of her pillows.

After a moment of rest, she sits up and begins summoning her belongings from Heaven in beams of white light. Eunah is to stay here with her parents while on the mission, but Mark and Jeno will be sharing a dorm on campus.
She doesn't get to visit her parents for much more than a few days at a time, with her Angel studies taking up most of her week, so is glad to be able to spend more time with them now.

The front door closes downstairs, bringing the Angel to her feet with Snowball clutched in her arms. She patters quickly down to the living room, where her mother has just dropped off shopping bags and is conversing with Mark and Jeno.


Namgyo turns to face her daughter, holding her arms out. Crashing into her, Eunah sighs contently with her face buried into her shoulder.

"I missed you, munchkin..."

"I missed you, too..."

Leaning back, Namgyo presses a kiss to her daughter's temple before asking if she wants to help put the shopping away. Eunah takes a quick glance towards the boys, who seem to be distracted by video games, and nods. It's an excuse to catch up with her mother, why wouldn't she agree?

"So, tell me," Namgyo teases as she places some cans in the cupboard. "How are you and Jaemin?"

Eunah's round cheeks flush pink, a mildly exhausted frown on her face.
"Ugh, Muum...! I already told you, he's my friend!"

"Mm, sure."

"I'm not lying!"
She rubs her arm, picking up some boxes to put away.
"Besides, he's doing Guardian Training now. We haven't seen him much."

"Oh, really?" Namgyo inquires, impressed. "He passed the exam, then?"

"Yeah, he should be done by next year."

"What about Chenle? Did he not want to come?"

Finished now, Eunah perches on the countertop with her legs swinging.
"He's still got a year of studies left before he can join us, and only three were allowed to go anyway."

"Ah, I see."

Wanting a drink, Siho saunters into the kitchen with his previous empty glass in-hand. He pauses, mid-pour of the cola, and pulls a face at the sight of Eunah's plush bunny.

"You still have that?"

Eunah glares at him, bringing the toy up to her chest.
"His name is Snowball, and I don't see how it's any of your business."

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, continuing to pour.
"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend..."


"Just saying..."

Namgyo, although chuckling, steps in before there's a fight.
"Now, Siho. Be nice to your sister."

Shrugging, he returns to the living room sipping his drink. Eunah pouts, sliding off the counter and following him through. As per sibling standard, they nudge each other with increasing aggression once sitting– Eunah on the sofa and Siho on the floor in front.

Mark and Jeno glance between each other, raising their brows before returning to the game.

Stretching, Eunah rests her legs across Jeno's lap and her head against Mark's shoulder. They let her, used to it, and Mark reaches around her to continue playing while cuddling.
She sighs, relaxed, and begins tickling Mark's face with one of Snowball's ears. He doesn't seem to mind.

This is nice, but something in her gut makes her wonder how long it's going to last.


What's the verdict so far? I haven't changed much, just a few bits here and there.

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