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With Chenle's support, Eunah decided to wait before talking to Renjun about her feelings. At least until she's completely sure they're real.
If it was a random crush, it'd be fine. But this risks her wings, and more importantly his life, so needs to be handled carefully and with certainty.

There's no coming back from a decision like that.

She's holding off on telling Jeno and Jaemin, too. Not that she doesn't trust them, she just feels it's best to keep the amount of people who know to a minimum for now.
Miyeon and Donghyuck won't say anything, and they didn't technically get a proper confirmation, so she's hoping that's fine until she can figure out where she stands.

"Okay, so this is the plan so far."

Eunah opens one of her notebooks, smoothing down the pages and sliding it to the middle of the table.
She invited Miyeon, Donghyuck and Renjun to her house again, and the four are sitting around the dining table with drinks and bowls of steaming ramen.

The couple peer at the notes, while Renjun quietly slurps his food. He's barely said a word so far, only a small hello when she opened the door and agreeing when she asked if he wanted a drink.

Assuming he's just having a bad day, the Angel hasn't mentioned it and occasionally glances his way to check on him.

"You're sure this is the right one?" Miyeon asks, referring to the graveyard for Supernaturals in China.

"It's the best we've got, I'm afraid."

"Better than nothing," Donghyuck chimes in, sipping his coffee.

"I compared all our schedules," Eunah continues, pointing to the correct section.
"So this should be the best time for everyone. If you're all coming, of course."

Miyeon hums, while Donghyuck catches Renjun's wavering attention with a look. He nods upon noticing it, silently expressing his agreement to the plan.

"Jeno and Mark are busy that day, so they won't ask where I am or anything. Not that Mark has spoken to me recently..."

Renjun narrows his eyes at the mention of Mark, glaring down at his ramen while Miyeon pulls a face of disgust.

"I told you you shouldn't have forgiven him so quickly. He's clearly not capable of being friends," the Nightmare chides.

"Maybe, but this isn't about him. He can wait."

"He can fuck off..."

Eunah turns to Renjun, who avoids her gaze in favour of slurping the last of his ramen. She frowns, worried, and looks to the couple for any indication of what might be wrong.
They shrug, also having been kept in the dark.

"Maybe you should go rest, Jun," she suggests, gently rubbing his shoulder.
"I can go over stuff with you later."

"Sure," he mutters.

"The spare room isn't set up, so take my bed. The sheets are fresh."


He picks up his empty bowl and chopsticks, moving them into the kitchen for washing before taking his coffee mug upstairs. The trio watch him go, concerned for his wellbeing, and share baffled looks when he disappears.

"Hyuck, d'you know what's going on?" Eunah queries, the Demon shaking his head in response.

"No, he's been like that the last two days. Won't tell us anything, just spends all his time painting in his room. He hasn't even gone hunting with us, and he normally loves hunting."

"You should talk to him, Eunie," Miyeon adds. "He might open up to you."

"Me? I didn't think we're all that close, though...?"

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