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"Did you guys make up?"

Having been confided in about the Mark situation, Siho asks his sister about it after noticing her come home happier than she was that morning.
Eunah nods, setting the table for dinner before their parents get home from work.

He's playing a mobile game at the table, having agreed to wash up afterwards since Eunah is doing the cooking.

"He confessed to you, right?"

"Yeah, but– how did you know?" she questions, turning to him with a frown.

"It was kinda obvious."
Siho shrugs.
"But you're dumb, so I figured you hadn't noticed."


"Anyway– you don't like him back and you're still friends, so what's it matter?"

Finished for the moment, Eunah sits down and rests her cheek on her hand.

"I guess it's just a little awkward... especially 'cause of the way it all happened, you know?"

"'Cause of that Yijun girl? I never liked her, even when you were friends. She's so rude for no reason and got what she deserved."

She presses her lips into a small smile.
"Maybe. But it's over now, so let's not go overboard with the insults."

"Sure, whatever," he mutters, rolling his eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, Eunah returns to the kitchen to check the food. Her parents should be home soon, right on time for dinner to be served.

Siho looks up from his game for a moment, to take a sip from the glass of water in front of him.
Eunah's phone is on the table and it lights up, buzzing with two new messages. Assuming it may be important, he peers over at the screen.

2 New Messages: Renjun😡

"Who's Renjun?" he asks, entering the kitchen to hand her the phone.

When she doesn't answer immediately, instead avoiding his gaze, he raises a brow.
"Is he one of those Demons you're supposed to be making friends with?"

"Yeah, he's uh– he's a friend of Miyeon's boyfriend."

"Donghyuck, right?"

She nods, pocketing her phone for the time being and stirring the chicken and sauce in the wok.

"Are you sure this is what you wanna do?"

This question causes her to pause, staring down at the bubbling sauce with guilty eyes.
Siho takes the wooden utensil out of her hand, allowing her to step back from cooking for a moment.

She sighs.
"It's... complicated."

"How so?"

"I want to do it for Mark and Jeno, and of course God. But... it feels really wrong every time I think about it, 'cause I love all my friends and I don't want to lose or betray them..."

Eunah rubs her face, heart sinking lower each second.
"I know I can't have it both ways, and I'm trying to do as much research as I can for a more informed approach, but..."

"Your feelings are getting in the way," he finishes for her, now draining noodles.

She confirms this with a dejected hum and a nod.

"I dunno how to help, but I guess keep researching and maybe the answer will come to you? Or something like that. Also, you should probably reply to those messages."

After making sure he's okay with finishing dinner, Eunah moves back to sit at the table and check her phone.


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