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The house is a little quieter now, Siho's usually confident and excitable demeanour lessened.
It's a weekend, so Eunah, Mark and Jeno have decided to take him out for ice cream. He's not a small child anymore, but the effort is appreciated and he's savouring the raspberry swirl ice cream while they walk alongside the river.

Mark is next to him, awkwardly trying to make conversation and cheer him up, while Eunah and Jeno walk behind. They've linked arms, and are talking about a creative writing project Eunah needs to complete in two weeks.

"What's the topic?"

"Romanticism. We can write about anything, as long as it follows the theme of romanticism. Mark's writing about food of all things."

Catching this, Mark turns his head.

"Hey! Food can be romantic!"
"If you're involved? It's your one true love."

A snort from Siho brings a smile to his sister's face, glad he's slowly feeling better.

Mark huffs, continuing to bicker with her about the nuances of romanticism involving food. She knows food can be a great way to set the scene and develop a character, but to write a whole short story on it in the style of romanticism could be difficult.

"I'll manage! How hard can it be?"

"I guess you'll find out, won't you?"

"What are you gonna write about, then?"

Eunah shrugs, still looking for ideas.
"Not sure yet."


Appearing from a flurry of dark smoke, Renjun saunters into Hell and wipes his mouth free of lingering blood.
He folds his glossy black wings, allowing them to disappear before he enters the shared house.

Ducking to avoid a flying shoe, he sends Jisung a confused look, who is currently lounging on the sofa on his phone.
Jisung points to Miyeon and Donghyuck's room, where the other shoe comes hurtling out the door.

"Spring dance or whatever. A bit close to summer if you ask me."

"What spring dance?" Renjun queries, having not heard anything about it.

"Ask Miyeon. She's obsessed with it."

Raising a brow, he crosses the living room and briefly knocks on the bedroom door before entering.

Discarded dresses and shoes are scattered across the bed and floor, Miyeon sitting in front of her extensive shoe rack and Donghyuck on the bed looking bored.

"The fuck are you doing?"

Miyeon whips her head towards him, flashing fangs with a hiss.
"Get out! I need an outfit!"

"What for?"

"The spring dance, idiot!"

Renjun shrugs, still having no idea, and looks to Donghyuck for an explanation when she goes back to sorting through shoes.

"Uni has a spring dance in two days. Yeon and Eunie have been talking about it, if you'd paid any attention."

"I thought Eunah was rambling about that stupid creative writing project?"

Donghyuck sighs, rubbing the side of his face.
"She mentioned it once to say she still doesn't know what to write about. Did you just stop listening after that?"


"You can't keep tuning her out, bro. Even if you don't like her, she's still important to our mission."

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