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Eunie Im sorry

Please talk to me

I shouldn't have
been so insensitive





Eunie Im so sorry


Please can we talk?

I don't wanna
sound insincere
over text

Where and when

Park near your

In five minutes?

Mark it's 2am



Soft lamp light illuminates the Angel as she ties her hair in a loose bun. She stands, leaving her neatly written notes on the desk in order to change into something warmer. A grey hoodie and a pair of darker grey sweatpants will do; better than shorts and a t-shirt, anyway.

Night is Demon territory, but she finds that she's not as afraid as she probably should be. Armed with only a phone, her Divine powers, and a pair of comfy trainers, Eunah quietly exits her house and begins the short walk to the park.

The further she walks, the more uncertainty starts to set in. Every time she passes a Demon, they raise their head– flashing blood-stained fangs in a sadistic grin as more of the congealing liquid drips from their lips.

Get used to it, Eunah... they have to feed, it's only natural.

"...Eunie?" a hesitant, familiar voice calls to her from a park bench; gold-tipped, pure white wings being the first thing she sees.

She's barely taken another step forward when arms wrap around her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace. At first, she hesitates, but slowly returns the gesture– resting her cheek against Mark's chest with a sigh.

"Eunie, I'm sorry..." he mumbles into her hair, taking in the sweet vanilla of her shampoo.
"I was so focused on the plan that I didn't even think to consider how you felt about it... I'll try to be more compassionate from now on."

She nuzzles into the crook of his neck, not wanting to look at him in case she bursts into tears.

"I'm sorry, too... I should've said something before, not shouted at you like that– especially not in front of everyone..."

His hand gently caresses her back, hers reaching up to play with the hair curling at the nape of his neck.

"But you were right. Regardless of what we've been raised to think, as Angels we should give everyone a fair chance. Not judge them for what they were born as."

Mark pauses for a moment, wondering whether he should continue or not. When she doesn't say anything, he takes a nervous breath.
"...Do you still want to do this?"

Eunah hums, her warm breath against his neck sending a shiver down his spine.
"If it's important to you, then I will..."

"Just– be careful, okay?"

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