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"You doing okay, Eunie?"

Startled, Eunah wobbles backwards on her chair, almost toppling over. A gentle hand is placed on the backrest, pushing her back forwards as Mark leans over with a smile.

"A little startled, but yeah."

He pulls out the chair beside her, sliding one of her many books in front of him. Currently in the library, Eunah's reading up on the Soul Amulet and cross-referencing it with human history books in an attempt to establish a concrete timeline.

"Have you found anything?"

Shaking her head, she turns the pages of two books.
"Nothing we don't already know."

"This is proving more difficult than I thought..." he sighs, resting his chin on his hand.
"Have the Demons said anything?"

"Nope. I was added to their group chat last night, though."

"That's great! One step closer."

She nods, expression unclear but not positive. Her eyes flick over to his side profile, watching him mindlessly flick through the book in front of him.



"Why did you leave Yijun?"

Mark turns to face her, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Where did that come from? I thought I already told you."

Shrugging, she returns her gaze to the books, copying down a piece of information into her notes. He continues to stare, trying to get her to answer, and closes his book.

"Dude, are you sure you're okay?"

"She confronted me in the mall."

His previous frown raises in surprise, arm wrapping around her shoulder comfortingly as she twirls her pencil between her fingers. Refusing to look at him, she nibbles her lower lip.

"What did she say?"

"She called me a bitch and a whore, and said that I stole you away from her."

"Stole me– Eunie, do you really believe any of this?"

With Mark getting so close to her in concern, she leans away from his warmth and shrugs again.

"I don't know... I guess I just– wanted to confirm."

His large hands gently take hold of Eunah's shoulders, turning her to face him. She continues staring down, now at her lap, and rests her hands on her legs.

"Eunie, listen to me, okay? I left her because she took over my life. I wasn't allowed to see my friends, go out, or do anything without telling her where it was and who I was with. And if it wasn't with her, she'd throw a tantrum until I gave in and let her tag along. None of this is to do with you, Eunie. And I'm sorry I got you into this mess."

Her pinkish lips curve into a small, sad smile and her glistening honey eyes glance up at him through the strands of soft hair that fell over her face. He reaches to brush the strands behind her ear, concerned expression unwavering.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just– processing."

Nodding, Mark leaves her to return to her research and awkwardly picks up his own book. He continually sneaks glances towards the woman over the top of the page, embarrassed by the realisation of how close their faces were.

It's no secret that he likes Eunah. Well it's a secret to her, but telling her is out of the question. Especially now that Yijun is targeting her. It would be too stressful and possibly dangerous.

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