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Warm, morning sunlight filters through the blinds, highlighting Eunah's rounded face in gold. Her soft breaths fan the layers of hair draped delicately over her nose; full, pink-tinted lips slightly parted while she sleeps soundly.

A gentle knocking at her bedroom door causes her to groan and roll over, pulling the pink covers further up.

"Wakey wakey, honey. Don't want to be late for your first day, do you?"

Her eyes snap open and she immediately sits up, Snowball dropping to the floor with a muffled plop. Outside the door, hearing her shuffle about the room in her slippers, her father chuckles to himself before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Mark is already there, alongside Jeno who is busy helping Namgyo with breakfast, and he greets Jongsu with a smile.

"Morning, Mr Min. Is she up yet?"

"Only just."

Jongsu adjusts his tie, then grabs a plate with some egg rolls on it and starts eating.
Namgyo sends him a mildly annoyed side glance, having prepared those for Siho instead, but doesn't mention it.

Moments later, there's pushing and complaints from the kitchen doorway as both Eunah and Siho arrive at the same time.

"Get out–"

"You're so annoying–"

Namgyo coughs, interrupting the slight argument, and the two stare at her. Eunah uses the opportunity to shove past her brother and enter the kitchen, giving her mother a hug while she cooks.

"Got a cold, Mum?"

"No, just... two headaches. They come and go."

"Meanie..." she mumbles into her clothes, taking in the smell of fresh egg rolls.

Namgyo smiles, kissing the side of Eunah's head before plating another roll. The plate is grabbed by Jeno and the roll cut, then handed to Siho who is now sitting at the table.

"Are you excited for your first day?"

"Yep! I've got my lucky socks on and everything!"
Eunah lifts her foot, showing off the white socks with bunnies on them.

"I'm sure it'll be a great day, then. C'mon, have some breakfast."


Eyes bright and shining with gold, Eunah links arms with Mark as they exit their first writing lecture of the term. They both decided to take on the Creative Writing degree, while Jeno took Photography.

As they round a corner on their way to the cafeteria, a rather large crowd comes into view. Curious, Eunah lets go of Mark and weaves her way through, ignoring him calling her back. She frowns as she reaches the middle; a student raising another by the collar of their shirt clearly being the reason for the fuss.

The first thing she notices are his eyes– intense, red irises stand out against the contrasting blond hair and dark clothes, staring with fierce hatred towards the offending student.
At closer inspection, they burn with the deepest fires of Hell, exposing a visceral fear she'd never experienced until this very moment.
Pearly and sharpened to a point, his fangs are bared and his intent to kill evident in the milky whites of his strained knuckles. Silver earrings connect his right earlobe and helix in a loose chain, reflecting the bright lights of the corridor.

Eunah has barely made another step forward when her hand is grabbed, making her jump. She turns swiftly, only to come face-to-face with a worried Mark.


"But–" she glances back towards the scene, covering her mouth in horror when the offending student is slammed against the wall– a sickening crack emanating from where his head made contact.

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