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Trying her best to be inconspicuous, Eunah walks past the table of Hell entities and drops a sticky note in front of Miyeon.
The woman in question turns around, only catching the back of her friend as she speeds towards her own lunch table. Miyeon frowns, confused, as do Renjun and Donghyuck.

"What was that about?" Donghyuck inquires, reaching for the note. His hand is quickly smacked away and he jolts in surprise.
"Geez, woman!"

She rolls her eyes playfully, scrunching her nose at him, and he does the same back in a mocking manner. Beside them, Renjun gags.

"You two disgust me."

"Oh, get over yourself, Jun. I'm sure you'll be exactly the same when you find a partner," Miyeon smirks, eyeing him, then turns her attention back to the note as he scoffs.

Girls night at mine?
I have movies and non-melted ice cream?
Parents and brother aren't home so no Angels– well, except me

"Girls' night– screw girls' night, I want ice cream!"

Both Miyeon and Renjun send Donghyuck strange looks and he lowers his head, mildly embarrassed.
"Shut up..."

"Babe, I'm sure Eunie won't mind if you come along next time."
Miyeon pats his shoulder, but quickly turns somewhat stern.
"But girls' night is pretty serious. Strictly no boys allowed."

She then laughs, releasing the small amount of tension she just created. A low growl rumbles in the back of Renjun's throat, the rising of his blood pressure almost audible.

"You're not seriously thinking about entering Angel territory, are you? You shouldn't even be friends–"

"Jun, you need to chill. We have a freezer at home now, so go stick your head in that instead of up your ass."
Miyeon sends him a warning look, raising her brows, and he narrows his eyes in return.
"What do you think she's gonna do? Call God? Eunah's different, she doesn't have that prejudice other Angels do."

"Easy for you to say, Nightmare... Don't come crawling back to us when your precious little 'Eunie' turns on you."
He deepens his glare, shoving his chair back with a loud screech and grabbing his belongings before stalking off.

Bored, Miyeon rolls her eyes again and shakes her head. Donghyuck's gaze follows his friend, brows creased in concern. From across the room, a golden one does exactly the same.

Mark glances up from his food, noticing Eunah's wavering attention. He tracks her stare and nudges Jeno, who was busy trying to nap.


"That one's gonna be the most difficult."

Eunah frowns and turns to Mark, who raises his hands a little.

"What? He is!"

Her stare hardens, disappointed.
"For once, will you just leave it? I get that you want information, but do you seriously have to dehumanise him like that every time he gets angry? Demon or not, you have no right to judge because you've been expressing the exact same prejudice he has."

Jeno yawns, nodding.
"She has a point..."

"Wha– Jeno? You, too?" Mark sighs, frustrated, and stabs his chopsticks into a piece of meat.
"This is about saving others, not dancing around in a field of daisies with Demons."

"We don't even know their intentions–"

"I think it's pretty clear what their intentions are, Eunah. What they've always been. To target and kill anything that isn't their own– it's not hard to figure out. We need to intervene, no matter what. For the sake of–"

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