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Since the incident, Eunah hasn't been able to look at Renjun for more than a few seconds. After that, she cringes so hard it makes her whole head want to absorb into her neck.
Not only has he seen her crying, he's now also seen her blush over his appearance.

This is the worst possible outcome.

Well, she supposes being killed could be considered the worst possible outcome– but this is still pretty bad.
Not to mention that she still hasn't found out anything about their search for the Soul Amulet. Which means that everything is just getting more complex and difficult to get out of when needed.


"Hey, um– I need the bathroom. Can you wait for me when you get to the café?"

Nodding, Miyeon and Donghyuck carry on towards the small café in the centre of the plaza.
This gives Eunah the chance to escape the suspicious gaze of Renjun for a moment, heading back towards the previous shop.

She'll go to the toilet first, just to make sure she's not followed, but has an idea to cheer up Donghyuck.
He hasn't been very smiley since he put the coat back, making less jokes and being more reclusive. So, she's decided, she'll get him the coat he liked so much as a sort of offering of friendship.

Upon reaching the bathroom, Eunah releases a soft sigh and leans on the sinks– staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Loose strands have escaped from her ponytail, too small to stay in for long, and have been tickling her face for the last hour.

She doesn't often have her hair down, finding it irritating and distracting, but today has been strange and having it down means she can hide her face if needed.

Pulling out her hair tie, she runs fingers through her hair to move it out of her face for a moment.

"Would you look at that..."

Startled, Eunah turns at the sound of a familiar, mocking tone. One she hasn't heard in a while.

"Yijun..." she mutters, subconsciously drawing in on herself.

Dai Yijun, a former friend and Angel, enters the bathroom with her arms folded over her chest and hips swaying.
She tilts her head slightly, long strawberry blonde hair swishing with the movement.

"Found some new prey, have you?"

"New– what are you talking about?"
Eunah's heart pounds against her chest, slender fingers gripping the sink behind until her knuckles turn white.

Why her? Why now?

Having noticed the slight tremble to her voice, Yijun chuckles– well-manicured hands hovering over her mouth.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard, little Eun."

"Heard what?"

That nickname has always been condescending, and Eunah has always hated it.

"The rumours, of course. Everyone in Heaven knows you're whoring around with Demons and Mark."

Whoring around... is she calling me promiscuous?
Yes, of course she is Eunah. That's what it means.

The only reply she can give is a soft frown, not sure how to win this conversation. She can't even leave. Yijun is blocking the doorway.

"You know you could get your wings ripped off for that... right?"

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now," Eunah mumbles, hoping she can just squeeze past and leave.

"Oh, we're going to talk–"

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