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There's a soft knock at Eunah's bedroom door, but she doesn't answer– only pulls her bed covers further over her head.
She's been in bed ever since she got home, refusing to come out even for dinner, and her family is getting worried.

Namgyo's gentle voice reaches through the door for the second time, sounding even more concerned than before.

"C'mon, you should really eat... It'll make you feel better?"

No response.

"Just a snack? Please...?"

Finally giving in, Eunah throws her covers back off and trudges to the door– cheeks stained red and eyes blotchy from crying. She pulls it open, much to her mother's surprise, and immediately falls onto her for a hug.

Namgyo wraps her arms around her daughter, running fingers through her hair in a comforting manner.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really..."

"All right. When you're ready, you know where we are."

"Thank you, Mummy..."

"Of course, my love."

The two shuffle into the kitchen, Eunah still clinging to her mother, and both Siho and Jongsu raise their gazes at the sound.
Namgyo shakes her head when they start getting up, not wanting to stress Eunah out even more, so they reluctantly sit back down.

"What do you want to eat, hm?"


Namgyo hums, searching through the cupboards with one hand while still stroking the hair of her limpet.
"How about some ramen? I'll make it just how you like it."

Eunah doesn't say anything, only nods and lets out a dejected sigh.

"Do you want me to call your friends? They're really worried about you."

She shakes her head, sniffling against her mother's side.

"No love, don't cry. I won't call them, I promise."

Eventually, she detaches from Namgyo and flops onto the sofa beside her father– who wraps an arm around her shoulder, rubbing it. Siho dashes upstairs, slipping into her room to find Snowball. He takes a little while, but comes back with the white rabbit in his arms and throws it at his sister.

She catches and cuddles it close to her chest, watching the two play a game while the ramen is being cooked.

I shouldn't have eavesdropped... Now I'm a liar, a manipulator... and for what? Some stupid amulet that could apparently 'end the world' if in the wrong hands...
Me and my stupid mouth...

Namgyo hands over the bowl of steaming hot ramen, Eunah slurping it without a word. Just a grateful, half-hearted smile.

If I don't do this... will they leave me? Is it really that important? Maybe I'm overthinking it... They're my friends, right? I have to trust them.

Eunah's gaze begins to blur as she slips into a state of automation. The chopsticks in her hand move from bowl to mouth, occasionally not picking anything up at all. She stares forward at the TV screen with a blank expression, registering nothing.

The bowl is taken out of her hands– bringing her, blinking, out of her trance. It's empty. All she has to say is a soft 'oh'.

Jongsu creases his brows in worry and ruffles her hair with his free hand.
"I think you need some sleep, kiddo."

She shakes her head.
"Angels don't need sleep."

"They don't need to eat, either. But it made you feel better, right?"

Shadow | Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now