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The article for the school paper turned out to be a pretty boring one; Eunah's only interesting scoop being that about the Soul Amulet. She didn't mention it, and only wrote about some competitions for the sports and art students.

Mark and Jeno have been walking on eggshells since her breakdown, Jeno often having to slap a hand over Mark's mouth whenever he attempts to ask about progress.

She loves her friends and trusts them, so is trying to continue being friends with Miyeon in the hopes that the Demons will accept her. It's important to them, especially Mark, but she can't help the sinking feeling in her chest whenever she talks to Miyeon.

Speak of the Nightmare.

"Hi, Eunie..."
Miyeon takes a seat beside the Angel in the library, appearing downcast.

Concerned, Eunah looks up from the book she's reading and eyes her.
"Yeon? What's wrong?"

"Hyuck and I had a fight, so I'm staying away until he's not angry anymore..."

She frowns and checks her phone for the time. Lunch isn't quite over yet.
"What was it about?"

"Somethin' stupid... He dropped a drink and I got mad, but– I don't know why I was mad... It was just a drink."

The sound of a book being snapped shut startles Miyeon, who quickly turns to her friend. Eunah dumps it in her backpack and stands, holding her hand out.

"C'mon, let's go find him. I'm sure an apology will help."

"But– they don't like you?"

She shakes her head.
"Doesn't matter. They don't have to like me for the two of you to make up."

Somewhat reluctant, Miyeon takes the offer and leads Eunah to where she saw Donghyuck last. He's not there and neither is Renjun, so she suggests checking the music rooms. That's his chosen course, so he spends a lot of free time there.

Eventually, the two find him in one of the recording studios– writing lyrics while Renjun is busy sketching. Glancing back, Eunah notices Miyeon's nervous look.
She swallows her own fears and knocks on the door.

"Fuck off!" Renjun shouts, assuming it's Miyeon.

He glares as the door opens, but it briefly turns to an expression of confusion when Eunah's face pokes around it.

"The fuck do you want?"

Eunah looks him up and down, then ignores his question and turns to Donghyuck– who is staring at her in curiosity.

"Someone's here to apologise to you."

"Oh, really? Couldn't come by herself?"

She frowns slightly.
"It was a petty argument and she's come to apologise. Don't make it more difficult than it needs to be."

Both men raise their brows at her, surprised that she had the courage to talk back to a Demon. If only they knew how much her heart is pounding.

Donghyuck rises out of his seat, eyes burning red, and strides over to the two at the door.
"And what makes you think I'll listen to an Angel?"

Terrified, Eunah swallows dryly and forces herself to stare back, her own eyes swirling with gold.

"I didn't come here to start another argument. I came to help end one. Now, will you please stop being difficult and just listen to Yeon's apology?"

He sneers, momentarily flashing sharp fangs.
"Fine. Just get out."

Feeling guilty for leaving her friend, Eunah exits the room after giving Miyeon a quick, supportive smile. She waits outside, crouching a little further down the corridor, and is surprised when Renjun walks past.

He doesn't stop, nor does he acknowledge her presence when she attempts to smile and wave– just disappears around a corner without a word.

Well, at least he didn't shout at me... or try to kill me, come to think of it...

Her phone buzzes in her hoodie pocket. It's a message from Mark, asking where she is.
She checks the time, finding lunch to be over, and glances towards the recording studio door.

Should I tell Yeon I have to go, or just leave? She'll understand, right? Besides, it's probably not a good idea to intrude...

Unable to decide, she instead grabs a sticky note from her bag and writes that she's leaving– sliding it under the door.
She doesn't want to be late, so breaks into a run and follows the way Renjun went. They're not doing the same degree, but near to the rooms used by Creative Writing students there's a bridge over to the art building.

Eunah skids into the right room, crashing straight into Mark who just barely manages to keep his balance.
"Hi, Mark!"

He fixes his hair and allows her to drag him to one of the seats.
"Where'd you go? Library again?"

Not wanting to be asked about 'progress' again, she simply nods and pulls out her work from the previous writing lecture.

"English is such a pain in the ass..." Mark moans, staring down at his own messy scrawl. Eunah leans over, inspecting it, and snickers.

"Probably because your writing looks like a spider ran over the page with ink on its legs."

"Oh, piss off. We can't all have immaculate handwriting like you."

She raises her brows, taking a sip of water for dramatic effect.
"You could if you tried. But the Archangel's always right..."

"I said that once. Once!"

"Mr Lee, please keep it down!"

"Sorry, ma'am!"
He throws a glare towards his friend, who is trying her best not to laugh out loud.
"Shut up, Eunah..."

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