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The trio of Angels head down the corridor, Jeno having just joined Mark and Eunah after his Photography lecture. He and Eunah are in front, coming up with silly writing prompts, while Mark trails behind lost in thought.

Coming up behind them are the residents of Hell– Miyeon linking arms with Eunah, who jumps in fright but laughs afterwards, and Donghyuck fist-bumping Jeno with a grin.

Confused, Mark looks up only to scowl. Eunah is enthusiastically explaining recent events in the book she's writing to a quiet Renjun. He doesn't look completely interested, which just makes Mark's blood boil.

"Okay, you need to calm down," Jeno mutters, having fallen back into step with the Archangel when Donghyuck moved to walk beside his girlfriend.

"But– look at him!" he hisses, not wanting Eunah to hear. "He's not even interested!"

"He's asked more questions about her book in the last two minutes than you have in the last week."

"What– does it matter? He's not listening anyway."

"Do you actually know what listening looks like?"
Jeno raises a brow, finding himself less and less impressed every time he speaks to his friend.

"Of course I do!"

"What does it look like, then?"

"Not that!"

Mark gestures towards where Renjun is nodding in agreement at one of Eunah's questions. His eyes are on the way forwards, but he's subconsciously leaning her way to hear better.

Exasperated, Jeno exhales and shakes his head.
He gives Eunah a hug when she mentions she'll be sitting with the others for lunch today– pursing his lips awkwardly upon seeing her try to hug Mark, only for him to barely respond and just pat her back.
She frowns, clearly hurt, but replaces it with a smile and promises to meet up with the two later.

"Are you serious?"

"What?" Mark snaps, hard gaze only relenting when he realises who he's talking to.

He and Jeno sit down at a table, the latter with a look of disappointment.

"Don't apologise to me, apologise to Eunah. I don't know what's got into you, but you're acting like a prick."

"I just–"
He huffs sharply, burying his head in his folded arms on the table.
"Of all people, it had to be a fucking Demon..."

"You're jealous," Jeno states, disappointment turning to disbelief. "You're actually jealous."

"What if I am?"

"You promised her your feelings wouldn't affect your friendship. I know it's difficult to get over, that's perfectly fine if you need time. But for goodness' sake, don't make her feel bad."

"I'm not making her feel bad–" Mark protests, but stops at the deadpan look from his friend.

"Did you actually pay attention to her face for just a second? Instead of glaring at Renjun?"


"Of course you didn't," the Angel interrupts, uncharacteristically irritable.


"Mark, she's not stupid. Right now, Renjun is nicer to be with than you are. She'll just stay with him."

At the idea of this, Mark's stare hardens again and he whips his head to the side to glare at Jeno. The Angel in question raises his brows and sighs.

"No, she won't! She's an Angel– it's forbidden! Her loyalties lie with God."

A short silence is indicative of the opposite, with Jeno looking over at the table of Hell entities and Eunah.

"Tell me, why did you have Eunah be the one to get information from the Demons?"

Mark shrugs, eyes trained on the person in question.
"She's thorough with her research and is easy to trust and get along with. I figured if anyone could get information, it's her. Why?"

"And you didn't think she'd come to her own conclusions with the information she got? Or make genuine friends?"

"Well– no?"

"So you sent her in with instructions to make friends and do research, and are now upset because she did exactly that?"

"No, I– I don't know, okay?"

Sighing, Jeno pinches and rubs the bridge of his nose.
"I'm starting to think you don't know her at all..."

This causes Mark to pause, mouth open as he was about to say something. He closes it again, heart sinking, and looks away.

"She never even wanted to do it in the first place, if you remember the conversation we all had."

"I- I know... but she said it was fine and we talked about it later."

"What exactly did she say to you?"

"Um... 'if it's important to you, then I will'. I think."

Jeno frowns.
"That doesn't sound genuine at all."

"But– why didn't she tell me the truth?" he mutters after a moment, his wavering voice almost making Jeno feel sorry for him.

"Why do you think?"

"I dunno– stop interrogating me..."

"Mark, you nagged her for days until she agreed the first time. Why would she tell you the truth when you've already shown that you can't accept a simple 'no'?"

"Are you trying to make me feel like shit?"

Jeno scoffs, getting to his feet.
"I give up. You're clearly not listening, so enjoy being bitter without me. This isn't the Mark I know."

The Archangel watches him go with a scowl, which deepens when he sits beside Donghyuck on the last free seat at the Demons' table. Eunah looks Mark's way with confusion and a sad frown, which for a moment causes his stomach to churn with guilt. He shakes his head, getting up to leave the cafeteria without looking back.



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