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Warm lamplight is the only thing illuminating Eunah's calm expression, the Angel sitting at her desk with fingers tapping away at her laptop keyboard.
She pushes stray hair from her face, cheeks flushed rose and honey eyes focused on the screen.

It's quite late at night, so she isn't expecting her phone to begin buzzing– a call, which she answers without looking.

"Seoul Abortion Clinic and Pizzeria, where yesterday's loss is today's sauce. How may I help you?"

A loud snort can be heard over the speaker, belonging to Chenle. He seems to be playing a game, judging by the familiar sound of a controller.

"How many of those do you have?"

"A few," she hums. "What's up?"

"Just wanted some company. Nana's asleep."

"Happy to help."

They make light conversation, not particularly caring what the topic is. Occasionally, Eunah will ask a question to help with her writing, and Chenle will exhale in frustration at his game.
She has a bowl of strawberries and natural yoghurt, savouring the sweet snack which is somehow helping to stave off writer's block.

"How's Siho holding up?"

"He's a bit better now. Doesn't like his new teacher, but that's understandable."

"Mm, that's fair enough."

Eunah nods in agreement, despite not being visible to him.
"I hope their daughter's okay. Losing both parents in one night must be awful."

"Yeah, can't imagine what it feels like."

Falling silent for a moment, the two focus on their activities. Not that the silence is bad, it's rather pleasant, and quiet company is often Eunah's preferred way of spending time with someone.

Her fingers hover over the keyboard as she begins to zone out, recalling the night she spent with Renjun on the garden swing seat.

They didn't talk much, having little to say, and mostly just stargazed while he rocked the seat back and forth. It was probably the best night she's had in a long time. Even when ignoring her... feelings, it was still comforting to just lean against him under a blanket, pointing out constellations she knows by heart.


Chenle hums in acknowledgement, thumbsticks still clacking in the background.

"I, um– I just wanted to know what you think about me being friends with– with Yeon, Hyuck and Renjun."

"Doesn't matter to me. It's for the mission or whatever, right?"

She nibbles her bottom lip.
"Y- Yeah, the mission..."

The background noises stop, him having paused his game to give her his full attention.

"You're not talking about the mission, are you?"

"I– no..." she sighs.

"Talk to me. What's going on?"

Eunah pauses, taking a breath while she thinks of what to say.
"I think– fuck, I think I like Renjun... like, actually like. Shit. What am I gonna do?"

"That's... not what I was expecting," Chenle mutters, audibly shuffling to a more comfortable position on his bed; game forgotten.

"I'm sorry... I thought maybe, since you said you used to be friends with a Demon, that– maybe you'd understand a bit better, you know?"

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