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Eunah hasn't sat with the residents of Hell for a week now. She daren't face Renjun again, not after what happened, and has asked Mark if she can stop digging for information for now.

He wasn't overly happy about losing a key part of his plan, but promised he won't mention it until she's ready to continue.

Meanwhile, Renjun is now facing a month's ban from hunting. He's to stay in the house, researching the Soul Amulet while Donghyuck collects bags of blood for him.

Jisung found this hilarious, and is currently staring mockingly at him from across the living room.

"The fuck are you looking at?"

"An idiot."

Renjun huffs, returning to the heavy book on the table filled with stories of the Amulet. He rests his cheek on his hand, blood-red eyes half-lidded in boredom after having read the same thing over and over, just from different perspectives.

–taken from the sacred temple by– fuck this.

Slamming the book shut, the Demon moves to grab his hooded jacket from the coat rack.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jisung calls from the sofa, not really bothering to stop him.

"Out. Need air."

"Father won't be happy."

"I'm not going hunting."

Jisung shrugs, sipping on a blood bag and returning to scrolling on his phone as Renjun disappears in black smoke.

When he appears on Earth, it's 1am and various Demons are out hunting in groups.
Donghyuck isn't among them, preferring to work alone when not with Renjun or Jisung, and having changed his territory to somewhere further from Eunah's house.

Even he's having a better time getting along with her.

Stop it, Jun. It's not worth feeling guilty, we only need her for the mission.

Renjun finds himself a bench to sit on, not bothering to hide his wings. It overlooks a small pond in the park, allowing him to stare at his own downcast expression in the water.

He glances upwards upon smelling something other than blood and Demons– a familiar smell that he'd hoped wouldn't be here tonight.
Serves him right for going to the park near her house.

White wings bright against the cloudless night, Eunah sits cross-legged on the cold grass beside the lake, merely a few metres away. She hasn't noticed Renjun, him being dressed all in black and silent, and is busy writing something.
A small ball of light is beside her, lighting up the area so she can see.

Her hair is down, like it was when they argued, and she tucks it behind her ear to keep it out of her face. In doing so, she reveals her soft features– slightly scrunched in a small, concentrated frown.
The pen rests on her pinkish lips, which are a little darker in places from being chewed out of nervousness.

Her wings flutter in the slight breeze, causing her to shiver. She retracts them, pulling a rolled blanket from her backpack and wrapping it around her shoulders.

What is she even doing out here?

The faint scent of vanilla continues wafting his way, admittedly not a bad smell for her to have, and his intense gaze bores into the side of her head.

Sensing someone staring at her, Eunah turns his way with a curious yet sad look. His expression hardens to a scowl before he looks away, pretending to be interested in the night sky instead.

She gets up, deciding she's finished, and puts the book in her backpack. Finding a sticky note, she scribbles something down and grabs a thermal flask, sticking it to the side.

Shadow | Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now