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Miyeon never did agree to talk about what's bothering her, nor did she say anything to Jeno when he arrived and greeted her.
In fact, she spent the whole of lunch just staring at her thesis and occasionally writing a few words.

Neither Donghyuck nor Renjun showed up either, despite them having been seen this morning in the recording studios when Eunah walked past.

She's decided to try finding them, to see what's going on. If Miyeon won't say, maybe Donghyuck will know.
Mark and Jeno went back to their dorm, leaving her to search the recording studios after her last lecture.

The studios aren't too far away, but there are quite a few of them; some with special equipment for certain Supernaturals like Sirens to sing without affecting anyone.

She goes door to door, peering through the small glass windows to see if she can spot the two Demons. In one of the rooms, Heesun is sitting on a chair, listening to her half-Siren friend record a song in one of the special booths.

It sounds wonderful, and Eunah stops to listen for a moment before continuing her search.

Finally, after searching nearly all the rooms, she peeks into one to see Renjun sitting on the floor, sketchbook in hand, while Donghyuck leans over in a chair with his hands covering his face.

She gently knocks on the door, receiving a harsh 'fuck off' from Renjun.

"It's just me," she reassures softly, pushing the door open.

He huffs, turning back to his sketchbook.
"Thought you were Miyeon. What do you want?"

"I haven't seen you guys all day and wondered where you were. Is it okay if I sit?"


Eunah makes her way over, taking a seat on the chair beside Donghyuck. Instinctively, she places a gentle hand on his back and begins to rub in circles.

"You okay?" she mutters, causing him to raise his head.

Her eyes widen slightly, brows raising at the sight of a dark ring around his left eye and blotchy red cheeks.

"What happened?"

Renjun scoffs in the background, ignored by the two, and Donghyuck lets out a false chuckle.

"We got into a fight again. As you can see, I lost."

She frowns, having not expected this at all. The couple fight more often than they probably should, and Eunah has noticed some issues with the way Miyeon treats her boyfriend, but she never would've thought she'd physically hurt him.

"Let me get you some ice."

Disappearing for a moment in a beam of bright light, she returns with an ice pack wrapped in pink cloth.
She hands it to Donghyuck, who thanks her and places it over his eye.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really, no."

Getting a slight sense of déjà vu, Eunah nods and doesn't press further.

"Your wings are still out, by the way."
He points to her pristine white wings, which appear every time she teleports.

"Oh," she murmurs, tucking them in so they disappear.
"Sorry, I keep forgetting about that."

Warm quiet follows, Eunah leaning her head on Donghyuck's shoulder while she rubs his back; the only sound being Renjun's pencil on paper.
It's calming, something she never would've expected from being alone with two Demons, but now isn't as surprising.

She closes her eyes, exhaling softly.

Hearing this, Renjun glances up at her, briefly making eye contact with Donghyuck who manages a slight smile, wrapping his free arm around the Angel's shoulders.

"Do you guys want to go to the café?" she asks after a little while.
"Coffee might make you feel better, Hyuck."

"I'd like that."


The waiter from before was indeed fired, it seems, as he's not there when the trio enter the café.

They sit at the back again, Donghyuck insisting he sit opposite Eunah and Renjun so he can talk to them both without having to turn.
A strange reason, but Eunah doesn't question it.

"Are you gonna have the vanilla milkshake again?" he hums, looking at the menu card.

"Not sure... I've been thinking about losing weight, so I think I'll just have water."

Both Demons frown at her, causing her to glance between them with raised brows.


"Why do you want to lose weight?" Donghyuck queries gently, worried crimson eyes meeting her honey ones.

"I just feel kinda fat, you know? Haven't been doing much exercise, and am eating a lot of junk food. It's mostly my arms and stomach."

"You don't need to lose weight, Eunie–"

"If you try to lose weight, I will personally burn you alive," Renjun cuts in, surprising the two who turn towards him.

He stares back at Eunah, unwaveringly serious to the point she wonders if his gaze will start boring through her skull.

"That's, um– I'd rather you didn't," she mutters, clearing her throat.
"Can I ask why?"

"You'll be skin and bone and complain all the time about being hungry."

"Ah, right."

Their conversation is interrupted by the waitress, who asks for their order with a polite smile.

Eunah decides on some fresh orange juice, preferring the taste over water. While the other two make their orders, she pulls a notebook and pen from her bag and begins to write.

Neat letters soon fill the page, circled and connected with lines as more ideas fill her head.
She barely listens to the new conversation, which is there to fill the mildly awkward silence left behind by the previous topic.

"What's this?" Renjun mutters, resting his cheek on his hand to look at her notes.

Donghyuck is on his phone, writing lyrics for his upcoming music project.

"Ideas for a story," she replies, tapping her pen against her bottom lip.

"Another assignment?"

"No, just for fun."

"How can you focus on it for so long? I can't."

Eunah exhales a soft laugh, turning the page.
"I guess it's like your painting or drawing, just with words on a page. It's easy to spend hours on it, but I'm making the image in someone's head, rather than on paper."

"I suppose."

She hums, a thought popping into her head.
"Do you think if I gave you a description, you could draw one of my characters?"

Renjun stares at her for a moment, unsure, before shrugging.
"Probably. Why? Do you want me to?"

Her expression brightens and she clasps her hands together, bouncing in her seat.

Admittedly, it's rather cute.

"If you like," he mumbles, already regretting it.

"Yay, thank you!"

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