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I can't believe I'm going to fake a friendship for information...

Eunah's brows crease while waiting for Mark and Jeno to finish chatting with an older student on the university's basketball court.

After days of nagging, she eventually agreed to Mark's plan– on the basis that nothing will happen to the Demons unless they're actually plotting something. But the guilt still lingers.

This isn't what Angels do... Aren't we meant to be kind? Honest? Not manipulative...

She breaks out of her thoughts when a group jogs over, consisting of mostly Humans. The apparent leader fistbumps the three men, inviting them to a casual game of dodgeball.

Mark and Jeno wave her over with smiles on their faces, encouraging her to join in.

She presses her lips together, unsure, and looks around the group for someone she might recognise. No one.
That is, until a certain young woman runs over, dragging two very reluctant Demons behind her.

Eunah's gaze flickers over to the trio, lingering on Renjun's stoic expression before her attention is grabbed by the older student.

"Okay guys, this is a friendly game. No prejudice here, so we treat these three like we would anyone else. Got it?"

Uncertain, the others express their agreement. Mainly because they don't want to be killed.

Mark and Jeno try to avoid the Demons' harsh stares– sending their older friend looks when he makes it a women vs. men match.

Not really knowing any of the women, Eunah stays out of the way and simply listens to the rules– dreading having to play against potentially much more aggressive opponents.
Unknown to her, Miyeon has noticed her nervous disposition and is making her way over.

"Hey, Angel. Nice to meet you."

Startled, Eunah turns to see Miyeon casually holding out her hand with a friendly look about her. She gingerly accepts the handshake.

"Nice to meet you, too. Um... what's your name?"

"Jeong Miyeon, but you can call me Yeon. Yours?"

"Min Eunah. My friends call me Eunie."

Miyeon glances towards the two Angels on the other side of the court, raising her brows slightly when they glare back at Renjun and Donghyuck.

"They your friends?"
She already knows the answer.

"Yeah," Eunah follows her gaze and frowns at their behaviour.
"But I don't know what's got into them. They're not normally that... rude."

"It's an age-old rivalry, don't worry about it. Just makes it easier for us to beat their asses."

She giggles at Miyeon's comment, causing the woman to smirk.
Jun's gonna hate this.

The whistle is blown and several dodgeballs are thrown into the mix. Eunah and Miyeon dart forwards, grabbing one each before anyone else and immediately launching them towards the opposing team.

Caught by surprise, two of the men are hit and have to sit out, barely thirty seconds into the game. The two high five, then separate as several balls are thrown their way.

"Mark, you missed!"
Eunah taunts her friend, who glares at her playfully from the other side of the line. She pokes her tongue out at him and laughs.

"Eunah! Catch!"

She turns just as Miyeon throws her a ball, catching it and running out of the way of another. It leaves her hands at a surprising speed, barely missing Jeno's legs as he jumps to the side in slight panic.

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