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"I need you to tell me I'm not crazy."

Baffled, Renjun frowns at the Angel who begins pacing in front of him.
"Only crazy people need that reassurance–"

"This is about Hyuck and Yeon."

He pauses, attention no longer wavering at the mention of his friend.
"...what about them?"

"There's something really wrong with their relationship, right? I'm not crazy for making that assumption?"

"No, you're not crazy."
He shakes his head.

"Oh, good."

"But it took you this long to notice?"

His comment brings a slight glare his way, her throwing her hands up.

"Of course not! But I wasn't that close to you guys then, and didn't think it was my place to interfere."

"What changed?" he questions, resting back on his hands.

"She hit him."

"I was surprised by that one, too..."

Eunah stops to stare at him, which is admittedly both unsettling and a little attractive. Determination looks good on her.

"She's never done that before? At all?"

"...not that I know of," he mutters, shaking off his previous thoughts.

Not the time, Jun.

"And how long have they been having silly arguments?"

"...a few years, maybe?"

"And you didn't say anything?!"

Her volume causes a few passing students to look their way, which brings an embarrassed tint to her cheeks. She sits down in front of Renjun, who raises a brow.

"You think I didn't want to?" he retorts.
"He loves her more than anything, there's no way in Hell I or Jisung can convince him to leave."

Eunah sighs, rubbing her temples.
"Yeon came to me yesterday, asking if she was a bad girlfriend."

"What did you say?"

She closes her eyes for a moment, leaning back on her hands to mirror his position.

"I didn't know what to say. She seemed to understand a little when I didn't answer her question, but then she went on a rant about how Hyuck dismisses her every time she asks him what she could do better."

Renjun rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, that sounds like her."

"I knew if I said anything, it'd be obvious Hyuck tells me what she does. So I didn't want him to get the consequences of my honesty."

"See? Not that easy, is it?"

She glares at him again.
"Not the time for 'I told you so'."

He raises his hands in mock surrender, finding it not as difficult to apologise this time.

"Anyway– I've seen something similar before with Mark and Yijun, only Yijun was more jealous than anything else. I didn't know if maybe we could do something similar to how Jeno, Jaemin and Chenle got Mark to leave Yijun."

Unsure, Renjun casts his gaze down to his lap in thought.

Teaming up with an Angel to get his friend out of a bad relationship was never something he expected to do in his life. But if it could maybe convince Donghyuck to leave Miyeon, he supposes it's worth a try.

"Do you think it'll work? Don't forget, the shitty Archangel brought her to the spring dance."

The venom is evident in his tone when speaking about Mark, but not entirely for the reason Eunah thinks.

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