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Mark has returned to university. He's now twice as awkward around Eunah, and actively avoids any of her questions regarding his wellbeing.

She's not sure what she did wrong, but hasn't pressed further.

Jeno is also back, stuck in the middle of the awkward encounters. He hasn't changed much though, which brings Eunah some comfort.

"Did you find anything out while we were gone?" Jeno asks, sitting with Eunah in the cafeteria while Mark grabs a coffee.

She shakes her head, telling him about how tired and distant the others have been since the dance. It's probably to do with something secret, she's figured out that much, but getting them to open up about it would be difficult.

"Actually, Renjun fell asleep next to me in the library yesterday," she explains just as Mark sits down.
"I met a girl there who's doing a psychology thesis on Angel and Human symbiosis, and she offered him some of her blood but he refused. Apparently, he's not allowed to drain people here."

Realising they're talking about Renjun amidst his zoning back in, Mark pulls a brief face of disgust.
He's nudged by Jeno, returning his gaze to his coffee just before Eunah picks up on it.

"He was muttering in his sleep, but I couldn't really understand what he was saying. Seemed troubled, though. Is that of any use?"

"Not really, no," Mark sighs, swirling his coffee.
"We need concrete information."

A minute later, Donghyuck walks past the table, stealing a piece of kimbap from Eunah's lunch. She lightly slaps his arm, shaking her head in amusement at his mischievous grin.

At least he's somewhat happier today.

"Welcome back, dude," he says to Jeno, who accepts his offering of a fist bump.

This earns Jeno a confused look from Mark, who hadn't noticed them bonding at the spring dance.
Once Donghyuck has gone, he turns to the Angel in question.

"What was that about?"

"We're civil. He's not that bad, just a bit energetic."

"Sure," he huffs, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. We still have an investigation to do."

His gaze is set firmly on Renjun, who's sitting a few tables over. Donghyuck has just sat beside him, seeming to awkwardly laugh at something Miyeon said.

Eunah and Jeno share a look, the latter shrugging in response to the former's confused frown.

"Mark, why are you glaring?" she wonders, gingerly reaching to touch Mark's shoulder.

He jolts, having been so focused on the Demon, and rubs the back of his neck.

"I zoned out, sorry."

"You should get some rest," she suggests, gently rubbing his shoulder.
"The library has some beanbags in the back corner if you want to go there?"

"No, I'm okay."

"If you're sure."

He briefly nods before going back to staring at his coffee, clearly not okay.

"Okay, well if you need anything–"

"I said I'm fine!"

His raised voice startles Eunah, who moves her hand away. She creases her brows at him, confused and a little hurt.

"Sorry, I–"

"Just leave me alone, will you? Stop trying to win me over."

"But I'm not–"

"I said, go away!"

Coming to a stand, she packs her things and leaves the cafeteria, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes.

Jeno sends his friend a look of disappointment.
"That was uncalled for, she just wanted to help."

"I know..." Mark groans, covering his face with his hands.
"But I don't want her kindness anymore... it just makes me feel worse."

"You're gonna have to tell her."

"Tell her what? That she broke my heart and I can't stand her voice anymore?"

"She doesn't know what's going on," Jeno insists, rubbing his friend's back.
"You need to tell her how you feel and work from there. Keeping her in the dark is just gonna confuse her more and make her think you hate her."

"I don't hate her, I just– it hurts..."

"Then tell her instead of shouting at her."


Knowing exactly where to look, Jeno leads Mark through the library to the beanbags at the back.

They've got a free period, so it's a good time for the Archangel to apologise and be honest with Eunah.

She's currently on the beanbags, sitting cross-legged next to Miyeon who's talking about a concert going on next week.
Her cheeks are stained red, faint tear marks where she didn't wipe them away in time.

As Mark approaches the two, Miyeon looks up at him with a scowl.
Trying to ignore it, he focuses on Eunah who is refusing to lift her head.

"Can I, um– can I talk to you?"

"Haven't you said enough?" Miyeon cuts in, placing her hand over Eunah's.

"I want to apologise..." he mutters, lowering his gaze in shame.

With a quick look, Miyeon asks Eunah if she wants to be left alone for this. The Angel nods, wiping a fresh tear before it falls.

"I'll be over there, then."
Miyeon points to a nearby table before walking away, sending Mark a glare in passing.

Taking a breath, he sits in front of Eunah.

"I'm really sorry, Eunah. I shouldn't have shouted at you, it was uncalled for."

"That's– okay," she sniffs, rubbing her blotchy eyes.

"It's not. You didn't do anything wrong, and it's not your fault I haven't been feeling well."

Her honey eyes meet his, sad and worried.

"I– I really like you, Eunah. Like, a lot. But hearing you say you're not interested that night... It hurt more than I could've imagined."

Noticing her guilty, panicked frown, he quickly waves his hands.
"It's not your fault, you didn't know."

"Why didn't you– tell me?"

"Because I– I didn't want you to feel like you couldn't be my friend. I know you like to help and please people, so I thought that if you knew I like you, you'd try to force yourself to like me back to save my feelings."

She looks away, confirming this theory, and he sighs.

"I should never have invited Yijun to the dance, either. Not after she stalked you. I just– I felt lonely and she was wanting me back... so I thought if nothing else, maybe I wouldn't feel so alone."

He pauses for a second.

"And– and I hoped that maybe you'd get jealous... so I could see if you liked me or not without having to ask you first..."

Eunah lets out a small huff, a faint smile briefly gracing her face.
"Well, that was dumb."

Relieved, Mark allows himself a light chuckle.
"Yeah... not one of my best plans."

"You have good plans?"

They smile at each other, still a little upset, but Eunah is glad to not be in the dark anymore.
She holds out her arms for a hug, rubbing her friend's back when he accepts it.

"Just friends?" he mutters.

"Just friends."

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