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Following the conversation on the bridge, Renjun has been even less talkative towards Eunah than usual.
She hasn't mentioned it, not wanting to agitate him, but wonders if she did something wrong.

"Hey, Eunah."

Looking up from her notes, Eunah faintly smiles at the sight of Miyeon sitting on the beanbag beside her.

"Morning, Yeon."

"Can I ask you something?"

She frowns, concerned, and focuses her attention on the Nightmare.
"Yeah, of course."

"Am I a bad girlfriend?"

Pursing her lips, Eunah tries to think of a response that won't get her in trouble.
Her silence is telling, and Miyeon exhales and rubs her cheek.

"I'm not... sure if I'm the right person to ask."

"C'mon, at least give me your opinion?"

She glances away, the awkward atmosphere beginning to make her skin crawl.

"I, um– maybe you should discuss this with Hyuck..."

Miyeon huffs out a breath, throwing up her hands.
"I tried, but he won't tell me anything! Every time I ask what I could do better, he just says I'm doing fine and changes the subject."

Not wanting to argue, the Angel stays quiet and listens to the incoming rant– chewing her bottom lip which begins to turn dark pink.

"I'm not being stupid, right? It doesn't make sense. If there's something wrong, why not tell me? He had no problem doing that before, so what changed?"

"I'm not sure–"

"Sometimes he's just so– ugh! I don't even know the word..."

While Miyeon talks, her eyes slowly begin to smoke with frustration. Eunah doesn't mention it, unsettled by the sudden churning of her stomach. She doesn't fear Miyeon, but it's becoming apparent that she's someone to be cautious of.
Too many times have she and Donghyuck argued, which in itself is not completely unusual for couples to do, but some of the reasons are ridiculously petty.

The most stupid example Eunah can think of is an argument the two had over the phone while he and Renjun were out hunting. Donghyuck had left the folder he keeps his song lyrics in out on his bedroom desk, wanting to work on the newest one later. He got a call from Miyeon which lasted half an hour, of her shouting at him for not knowing she needed the space to write a psychology essay.

Donghyuck showed Eunah an image of the desk after he told her what happened, and there was plenty of room even without simply moving the folder to the side. Not to mention that they also have a dining table in their house, which she could've used instead.

It would be very easy for Eunah to tell Miyeon exactly why she's a terrible girlfriend, but she knows it would only reflect badly on Donghyuck and he'd suffer the consequences of her honesty.

"– are you even listening to me?"

Eunah nods slowly, turning towards an irritated Miyeon whose eyes have turned completely black.

"What did I say, then?"

"...that you don't know what's going on with Hyuck and you're frustrated by him dismissing your questions."

Miyeon sighs, massaging the bridge of her nose as her eyes return to normal.
"Close enough, I guess..."

"I don't know what you want me to say..." Eunah mumbles, picking at loose skin around her painted fingernails.

"Nothing, I– it doesn't matter. You go back to your writing. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Before the Angel can respond, Miyeon gets up and stalks off, clearly still upset. Eunah exhales softly, chest stinging with guilt, and lays back on the beanbag. Her arms raise to cover her face, notebook and pen forgotten on the floor.

What am I supposed to do...?


"Huang Renjun!"

Startled, Renjun jolts at his name being called in such a purposeful manner– Donghyuck snorting with laughter beside him.

They turn, watching Eunah drag a confused Jeno down the corridor with a determined fire in her eyes that shines honey gold. She pauses just in front of them, letting go of Jeno to point at Renjun.


"Me?" he questions, raising a brow and sharing a look with Donghyuck.

"Yes, you! I need to talk to you."

"...can it wait?"

She shakes her head, Jeno grimacing awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck.

"You don't really have a choice," he mutters, having seen that look on her face only once before.

"And why not?"
Renjun folds his arms over his chest, unintentionally leering at the taller Angel.

"Last time she looked like that, she snuck into a Human morgue to watch an autopsy, so her short horror story would be completely accurate when describing the details of Human dissection."

The two Demons share another look, Donghyuck raising his brows in disbelief.
Eunah grins, as innocently as though they were just told she puffs up the clouds ready for sunrise.

"I was on the Guardian Training blacklist after that," she admits with what seems to be pride.
"I'm not even allowed in the building."

"What– just for that?" Donghyuck asks, seeing no issue with what she did.

"Well..." she trails off, glancing away.

Jeno sighs, sending her a look.
"She used to visit Human crime scenes specific to the research she was doing for stories. She's not allowed to train as a Guardian because she's too morbid."

"Yep! Anyway– you're coming with me."
Eunah grabs Renjun's wrist, pulling him back down the corridor amidst his half-hearted complaints.

Watching them go, Donghyuck smiles knowingly and shakes his head. He and Jeno continue towards the cafeteria, discussing which type of coffee is best.

"What do you want? This is stupid–"

Renjun is cut off by Eunah yanking him into the library, just missing the door frame. He exhales in defeat, rolling his eyes.

"Sit," she instructs, pushing his shoulder down so he lands on the pile of bean bags she visits so often.


"I need you to tell me I'm not crazy."

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