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Mark wanders the maze of shelves in the university library, looking for a certain Angel who's been very distracted recently. He's noticed a distinct lack of updates on the Soul Amulet situation, so wants to ask Eunah how she's getting on.

He tries to remember where the beanbags are, now knowing she's most likely to be there in her free time between lectures. She was in Creative Writing this morning, but disappeared after lunch.

Strangely, she's not there this time. He turns to leave again, getting out his phone to message her instead, when a familiar laugh comes from behind one of the shelves.
Peeking through a gap in the books, he raises his brows at the sight of Eunah and Renjun sitting at one of the worktables– having a casual conversation about something he can't quite hear.

She's writing notes, occasionally glancing towards the book to her left, while Renjun is drawing in a thick sketchbook that looks almost full. The Demon hands her an eraser at her request, to which she responds with a sweet smile.

Mark frowns, wondering when they became friends and how he missed it.

There was the spring dance of course, but he doesn't remember much of that and is pretty sure they were both intoxicated, so probably didn't care who they spoke to.

He watches them in silence, occasionally pretending to browse when someone walks by. They don't seem as close as Eunah is with him and Jeno, but more comfortable than he expected.

Eunah gets up to put a wrapper in the nearby recycling bin, picking up Renjun's empty coffee cup on the way. His crimson gaze follows her for a moment, returning to his sketchbook with a slight hint of a smile. It's gone as soon as it arrived, and Mark would've missed it if he blinked.

The Archangel can't help but glare, heart sinking with unrequited feelings that he just can't ignore no matter how hard he tries. He'd never tell Eunah this, intending to stick to his promise and stay friends, but it'd be a lie to say this doesn't hurt to watch.

She doesn't notice this stuff anyway, too busy in her own world or with the next project on her mind.
Jaemin asked her what she thinks of love once. She said she likes the idea of it, but doesn't think she'd be a very attentive partner. Her mind is elsewhere too often, and she'd worry too much about making them happy.

Nothing will come of it. It's forbidden.

He reassures himself with this thought, turning away with a scowl and exiting the library as quickly as possible.

No Demon-Angel relationship has ever survived. Punishment is inevitable, and he'll do anything to stop Eunah from losing her wings.


"Yeon... hey..."

Eunah rubs her arm, standing beside the cafeteria table Miyeon is sitting at alone. She glances back towards Jeno, who gives her a thumbs up from his own table– Mark sitting next to him with a baffled expression.

"What do you want?" Miyeon mutters, staring down at the drink she's swirling with a straw.

"Um– I wanted to apologise for upsetting you the other day."

The Nightmare raises her brows, glancing Eunah's way.
"You didn't do anything wrong, it's fine."

"Even so..."

She pats the seat adjacent.
"Sit down, you're getting stares."

A little reluctant, Eunah does as told and swallows a hard lump in her throat. She picks at her fingers, feet shuffling uncomfortably in her flats. Miyeon notices this, side-eyeing her with confusion.

"What's wrong, Eunah? You're only this fidgety when you want to say something, but don't know how."

The Angel exhales softly, an embarrassed tint to her cheeks as she rubs the back of her neck.
"Am I that easy to read?"

A faint laugh falls from Miyeon's lips.
"Always have been."


"Talk to me, babe. Be as blunt as you need."

Eunah forgot how relaxed Miyeon can make her feel sometimes, which doesn't help at all right now.
She takes a breath, resting folded arms on the table and staring forwards.

"I don't think you're a good girlfriend, Yeon."

The corners of Miyeon's mouth curve into a small smile, her gentle gaze returning to her drink.

"I figured as much. But thanks for actually telling me."

"...you're not upset?"

She shakes her head, swirling the straw again.
"Why would I be upset? I knew the answer already, I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else."

Eunah falls silent, expression softening and head resting on her arms. She's not sure what to feel anymore. It seemed so cut and dry, but now... Renjun was right when he said it isn't easy.

"What do you think I should do?"

She glances Miyeon's way, nibbling her bottom lip.
"I'm not sure... Maybe start with an apology? And– and stop getting upset with him over little things. Don't hit him, either. He doesn't deserve any of it."

Miyeon nods, listening with noticeable interest.
"I'll do my best."

"Talk to him too," she adds.
"You can't solve anything without talking to each other."

"Thanks, Eunah..."

Offering a small smile, Eunah covers Miyeon's free hand with her own, rubbing her thumb along it.
"You're welcome. Just– be patient with him and hopefully you can come to an understanding."

Movement in her peripheral vision causes her head to turn, finding Renjun and Donghyuck approaching the table with drinks. She and Renjun share a look, her subtle nod telling him the talk went well. He places a hot chocolate in front of her, sitting adjacent, and she thanks him with a smile.

Donghyuck sits on the other side of Miyeon and wraps an arm around her shoulders, confused by the unusual silence. She's normally laughing and joking, especially with Eunah. He's even more confused when Miyeon leans into him, resting her head against the crook of his neck.

"What's got into you?"

She shrugs, briefly looking to Eunah for encouragement. Eunah nods, her warm smile comforting as usual.

"I just– really love you, you know?"

Donghyuck frowns, but his eyes soften with unspoken emotion. He moves Miyeon's head in his direction by her chin, leaning down to softly kiss her lips.

Renjun scrunches his face in disgust– jolting when Eunah elbows his side. She sends him a slight glare, at which he raises his hands in surrender and looks away.

"I love you too, Yeon."

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