Chapter seven.

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"You can close your eyes to things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to things you do not want to feel." -Johnny Depp


Everyone sat around and ate dinner that Frypan had made. But tonight was a bit different. Tonight Newt found himself starring at Ivy from across the table with her starring right back.

"Hey lovebirds." Minho said grabbing their attention. Ivy quickly looked away and focused on her food placed in front of her.

"We're not even together." Ivy mumbled. She had to admit that she did feel a connection to Newt that she didn't feel with any other boy, and the flashback that they had all gotten proved that something did happen between them. "Not yet." Minho correct.

"Oh will you just stop it?" Ivy said a small smile dancing across her face. By now most of the boys had gone to bed, went to go clean up their workspaces, or gone to shower.

"We've got to make a stall for Ivy to shower in." Alby said. "Or I can shower when no one's in there, someone can stand outside and make sure no one comes in." Ivy said, she didn't want the boys to go through so much just for her to be here.

"Alright, that works." Alby said standing up and bring his empty plate to Frypan. Ivy got up and followed in suit. "Night boys." She said to Newt and Minho who sat at the table talking.

"Night." They both replied. Walking away Ivy wandered around in the feild wide awake. Finally she walked up to the lookout and climbed up the ladder. She sat at the top with her legs hanging off the side.

The stars we're out and the moon was shining brightly eluminting some light to see. "How you doin' greenie?" A voice said from behind her, Ivy turned her head to see George standing there. "Good." She replied. She didn't like him, the way he looked at her made her uncomfortable.

"I haven't seen a girl in a long time." He started. "So you must imagen how I must be feeling right now." He added. Ivy stood up and tried to look for a way out. The only way away from George was either go jump or run past him to the ladder, both seemed like unlikely things.

"Hey George, leave her alone." Newt said from behind him. Ivy sighed in relief. George didn't look happy about his intruption, but he still pushed past Newt and climbed down the ladder. "You alright?" Newt asked her. She nodded.

"Yes, thank you."

"No problem. Try and stay away from him alright? Bloody trouble maker that one is." He said. Ivy stood admiring the boy standing in front of her, his square jawline fit him perfectly, his blond hair sweeping over his forehead and his beautiful hazel eyes. He had quite the charm to him. Thinking back to the flashback Ivy noticed how much he had grown. Freckles use to be visible, and his hair use to have hints of red in it, his face was a little chubbier back then too.

"What are you looking at?" Newt finally asked. Ivy shrugged. "I was just thinking about the flashback, you've grown up so much." She told him honestly, Newt chuckled softly, but quickly stopped. It was almost like he was scared to laugh.

"I'd hope I mean I was fourteen then." He said, walking over to the edge of the tower he rested his arms on the railing looking over the glade. All the boys were in bed now, the only thing that could been seen was fires going on to keep the boys warm.

"You looked happier then as well." Ivy said quietly. "Yeah well, then I wasn't in here, and I was with you." He told her, the last part wasn't meant go be said out loud though. Ivy looked at him shocked. "What?" She asked quietly.

"You heard me shank. I like you. I liked you then and from the minute you came up in that damn box I knew, I knew there was something about you." He told her, Ivy was shocked. "And I'm not gonna pour my heart out to you. I like you Ivy, and that's it." He said. "I like you too Newt." Ivy whispered quietly.

"Really?" Newt asked almost hopeful. Ivy smiled lightly and nodded standing beside him resting her head on his shoulder.


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