Chapter seventeen

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"Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love." R.M. Drake

The two walked to the Cafitera together getting their breakfast and sat together at a table. "Morning guys!" Chuck said happily as he jogged up to the couple.

"Morning bud, how'd you sleep?" Ivy asked he shrugged and picked at his own food. "Hey Chuck, you can talk to us okay?" Chuck nodded. After that they all finished their food and brought Frypan their dishes.

"Alright Chuck, you're with the builders today." Alby said walking up to the three.

"Hey so am I, I'll make Gally let me help you." Ivy said. Chuck smiled and nodded. "Alright we should head over there now." Ivy said. Chuck agreed. The two started to walk away before Newt reached out and grabbed Ivy's arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"To work." Ivy replied with a smirk. Newt pulled he to him quickly and lent down.

"You're not going anywhere till I get a kiss." He told her, Ivy laughed lightly grabbed the back of his neck and brought his lips down to hers.

"Have a good day." Ivy mumbled before walking away. Ivy wrapped her arm around Chuck's shoulders as they walked to the builders.

"Morning Gal, look we got Chucky today. Can I help him out?" Ivy asked, Gally looked up towards the two and sighed.

"I guess so, just don't let anyone chop fingers off, alright Shuckface?" Ivy laughed at Gally's choice of words.

"Alright Gal, calm down." Ivy said veering Chuck away from him. Ivy brought him to the cutters first. The boys who cut the wood to the right measurements for the buildings. "Alright, here we go just keep your hand here and put the other one here, then pull this down." Ivy explained Chuck nodded and tried it, that's when Chuck's hand slipped. Ivy was quick to turn the mechean off before it could do to much damage. Blood trickled down Chucks palm, Ivy swore and took Chucks hand in her's lightly.

"Gally I'm taking greenie to the homestead!" Ivy yelled.

"What the hell happened!?" Gally yelled back.

"No fingers lost, just uh... Nevermind I'll be back!"

Rushing Chuck to the homestead she found both Clint and Jeff busy with Winston and someone else. "Bloody hell!" Ivy exclaimed. She grabbed some supplies and cleaned the cut up before wrapping it up in a bandage.

"Ivy we could have gotten that." Jeff said. Ivy shook her head.

"You guys were busy and it was bleeding pretty badly." Ivy explained. Jeff laughed.

"From what I heard you're spending to much time with your pretty little boyfriend." Jeff said.

"Whatda mean?" Ivy asked sitting down beside Chuck.

"I do recall you saying-" Clint was cut off by someone else.

"Bloody hell." Newt's voice rang. Everyone chuckled.

"Will you all just shut up?" Ivy asked with a smile. They all just smiled. "Alright I said that but that doesn't mean anything." She replied. Winston walked up behind her and yelled in her ear making her jump and yell.

"Bloody hell!" She yelled. Everyone in the room raised their eyebrows. "Alright shut up." She said crossing her arms. Newt walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Its alright love it sound's cute." He whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. Ivy hid her face in his side and smiled, she wrapped her arms around him sighing.

This is where she wanted to be.


Hey guys so if any of you have any quotes I could put at the beginning of the chapters just leave then in the comments cause it'd means a lot :)

Also any ideas for chapters would be good too.

So I hope you liked it, and make sure that vote buttons working :p


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