Chapter twenty one.

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I believe in you and me
I'm coming to find you
If it takes me all night
Wrong until you make it right
And I won't forget you
At least I'll try
And run and run tonight
'Everything will be alright' -The killers

"Hey shuckface, time to get up." Minho whispered in front of Ivy's face. She opened her eyes and jumped from how close Minho was to her face. She sat up clutching her heart panting.

"Bloody hell!" She yelled. Minho stood back laughing. Throwing her pillow at him she glared at him.

"What the hell mate?" Newt asked rubbing his eyes.

"I've gotta steal your girlfriend man." Minho said. Newt nodded.

"Alright she'll be out in a few minutes." Newt said dismissing him. Minho nodded and left the room. Ivy sighed and sat up in the bed her legs hanging off the side.

"This is a first, I have to get to work before you." Ivy smiled pulling on a pair of shorts, Newt nodded and smiled.

"You know, you were out for so long the new greenie should be here soon." Newt said from behind her, watching as she got dressed. How her tank top hung to her curvy body and how her hair held up showed off all the beautiful features of her face.

"Yeah? How soon?" She asked looking at him over her shoulder.

"Like today kind of soon." Newt said with a smile. Ivy nodded and lent over the bed pressing her lips to his.

"Its also the night of the party." She said. The time she had need here was longer then anyone had thought, eight months of her still until Chuck she was considered the Greenie because it took her longer to get a job, and figure out her boundries.

"You're very right." He said. She smiled and kissed him again.

"Please stay safe." He whispered. Ivy gave him a smile and nodded.

"You too, don't let Gal scare the greenie to much alright? And keep an eye on Chuckie." She said, Newt laughed and nodded.

"Oh course." He smiled. Ivy grabbed her backpack amd left the room. Minho nodded at her, grabbed her wrist and dragged her down stairs. They both grabbed three water bottles, some random items of food before they walked outside together. They both ate some sort of fruit as they walked to the already open doors. As they passed the box they heard a scream, they looked over and saw nothing so they shrugged and walked to the doors.

"Ready?" Minho asked her, she nodded. They started off in a light jog, they both mapped and took turns cutting vines. They wrote at the same time to see if either had missed something. They would run into the other runners later on in the day but it was still early and they wouldn't be out for another hour or so.

With two sections already covered they stopped to lean against a wall clear of ivy and take a drink of water. "This is gonna be a long day." Ivy panted. Minho nodded and patted her knee. Taking another sip Minho put Ivy's water bottle back in her bag and Ivy put Minho's bottle back in his bag.


The two ran into the glade and ran past Chuck and another boy, the new boy looking at Minho and Ivy in awe.

"Hey Chuck." Minho said.

"New Greenie huh? How's it feel to be promoted?" Ivy asked. Chuck held the thumbs up to her and smiled.

"Feels great Ivy." He said.

"Hey, I've got a lot to go over with Minho, I'll see you tonight, you too Greenie." Ivy called as her and Minho ran into the forest so they could go to the map room.

Half way through the two taking about the maze today Minho turned to Ivy with a small smile on his face.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked. Ivy nodded. "Do you... Love Newt?" He asked, Ivy looked down to the paper she was drawing on. Her and Newt had been through a lot, and despite her memory loss she knows they had been together in some sort of way before the Maze. She knew she could never see herself with another boy.

"Yeah." Ivy mumbled. "I really do." She whispered. Minho smiled and patted her shoulder.

"That's good, he loves you too." Minho replied. Ivy blushed and smiled.

"You think so?" She asked. Minho scoffed and put his hand on her knee.

"Cupcake I know he does." He reassured.


Ivy walked up to Newt and the new boy and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Ivy." She greeted the new boy. He smiled and took her hand shaking it.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"Ah don't remember your name? Don't worry, you'll remember it soon. We all start off like that." She informed him, the boy nodded.

Newt watched in awe as Ivy interacted with the new boy and was nice and gentle with him. She was calm and patient and willing to tell him everything that asked. Newt grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. Ivy smiled at him and kissed him quickly.

"I'm gonna go get something from Frypan, Minho and I are just gonna relax for a bit." She told. Newt and the new boy both nodded. When she stood up ready to walk away Newt grabbed her hand stopping her.


"Yeah Newt?"

"I love you." He said shyly. Ivy smiled widely bent down and kissed him again.

"I love you too Newt." She whispered before getting up and walking away from the two boys and towards Frypan.

Greenie -Newt The Maze Runner-✔Where stories live. Discover now