Chapter eleven

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"You said you were afraid to lose me, then you faced your fears and left." -M.T.

The boy that had come up the box had klunked his pants three times, so they took him to the homestead to get him cleaned up and give him some fresh pants. The boy was so embarrassed he didn't want to see anyone.

Ivy sighed. She knew what it was like to feel alone when getting to the Glade, everyone did. But she had a job to do, and no matter how much she wanted to go comfort the boy she couldn't. So she decided at lunch she'd find him.

The morning had dragged on longer then normal, Ivy was constantly asking when lunch was and Gally always gave her the same answer, 'whenever Frypan calls us.'

Ivy had stopped asking three hours ago. Finally Frypan called everyone for lunch, Ivy ran faster then ever to get to the line, when she got there, about two other boys were in the line. Ivy bounced on her heels until she was at the front. "Can I get the food for the new boy? I'm gonna take it to him." Ivy said hurriedly, Frypan nodded and gave her another bowl of soup and another bread roll.

Walking towards the homestead Ivy ran into Newt and Alby. "Hi guys, bye guys." She said walking past them.

"Hey, where are you going?" Newt asked her, Ivy turned around to face them. She held the tray of food up a little bit with a small smile on her face.

"I'm going to see the new boy." She replied. Newt smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You're too nice." He told her, she shrugged. "It's gonna get you hurt one day." He added.

"I know." Was all she replied with. She then walked into the homestead to the bedroom where the boy was staying for a bit. She opened the door to see the boy laying on a bed his knees to his chest and tears falling from his eyes rapidly. "Hi sweetheart." Ivy said softly, the boy sniffled.

Ivy placed the tray of food on the table and walked up to the bed sitting on the edge. "Are you hungry?" She asked, the boy shook his head. "Look sweetie, I know you're scared, trust me I was too." she said with a light chuckle. "But that doesn't mean you don't have to eat, you gotta stay strong." Ivy told him softly.

"What is this place?" He asked through tears.

"Its called the glade, its where we live. All the boys here with me, they're my family."

Ivy told him.

"Why can't I remember my name?" The boy asked again.

"It will come to you soon, I promise." She told him, he nodded and started to dry his tears, he sat up beside Ivy and gave him a small smile.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Ivy, now come on, eat." She said grabbing her soup, they both ate together and joked around laughing as well. "We don't laugh often here." Ivy told him, the boy looked shocked.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief. Ivy nodded.

"Sadly, I mean I don't understand why. Its a great feeling to laugh." She said, the boy nodded.

"Chuck." He said suddenly.


"My names Chuck!" He cheered.

"Woohoo!" Ivy cheered along throwing her hands up in the air. The door opened and Newt walked in.

"Time to get back to work love." He said, Ivy nodded.

"See ya later kid." Ivy said to Chuck before grabbing the dirty dishes and walking out of the homestead.

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