Chapter twelve

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After the day had finished Ivy was sweaty and smelly with a stomach that pleaded for food. She made her way over to the cafatiera and found Minho, Newt and Chuck all sitting at a table together laughing and talking.

After having to wait in the long line of boys Ivy took her dinner over to the three boys and sat down.

"Hi Ivy." Chuck greeted her smiling.

"Hey bud." She replied with a smile. She just longed for a shower and then to sleep. Conversation carried out through dinner and then Ivy finally brought up the thing she was dying to ask.

"Can two of you stay on watch while I shower?" She asked. Both Minho and Newt nodded, "Thanks." She smiled.

"Well I don't wanna be running with someone who smells like sweat and cow klunk." Minho said. Ivy laughed lightly.

"Bite me Minho, bite me." She sassed.

"Got yourself a fistey one Newt." Minho said with a smile playfully nudging Newt in the side.

"Nock it off mate." Newt replied with a smile on his own face.

"I'm gonna go try and find some spare clothes I can wear." Ivy said standing up. She walked over to Frypan and gave him the dirty dishes.

"Thanks beautiful." He joked.

"No problem buttercup." Ivy replied walking away. She heard Frypan chuckle as she walked away towards the homestead.

She bumped into someone and looked up to see George looking down at her. "Hello sweetheart." He said with a smile.

"Leave me alone George." She sighed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Just because you're with Mr high and mighty doesn't mean we can't have some fun." He said with a smirk.

"Uh, yes it does. Now leave me alone." She said trying to walk past him. He side stepped into her path making her stumble backwards. "What the hell!?" She yelled angrily. "Get outta my way you slinthead!" She yelled using Glader slang.

Newt and Minho both ran up and stood beside Ivy, almost like her bodyguards. "Why don't you just walk away shuckface." Minho said his arms crossed over his chest showing off his large biceps.

"Just talking to the pretty little creature." George said with a smirk, running his fingers across Ivy's cheek.

"Don't touch her." Newt interjected.

George held his hands up in defense. "Alright, alright." He said a smirk on his face. He walked away past the three.

"I hate that guy." Ivy muttered.

"What did I say about using Glazer slang?" Newt questioned her reffuring to the first or second night she was here. Ivy sighed.

"I thought you were joking." She said, Newt shook his head and put an arm around around her shoulder.

"Let's go get you some clothes now." He said. They ended up finding a pair of old blue jeans that Minho ripped into shorts so they'd fit Ivy and Newt gave her one of his tank-tops.

"We'll request more clothes for you." Newt told his girlfriend. Ivy nodded and the three walked towards the showers. Newt went inside to make sure no one was in there before he and Minho stood outside the door as Ivy took a quick shower relieving herself of dirt and sweat.

Changing to the clothes that the boys had found for her, she rolled up the shorts and put her shoes back on, before grabbing the pile of clothes and walking out of the room.


"Be careful out in the maze tomorrow alright? Its dangerous." Newt said to Ivy as they laid awake in his room.

"Alright." She said her fingers running up and down his bare chest.

"And make sure if you see a Greavier you tell Minho, and don't get stung alright?"

"Newt, how do you know so much details about the maze if you're not a runner?" Ivy asked her boyfriend, this had always been something she was curious about.

Newt looked away from her quickly, a look of shame on his face. "I'd rather not talk about it." He told her.

"You were one, weren't you?" She asked putting the pieces together.

"I was." He mumbled.

"Its alright, we don't have to talk about it, we can just sleep instead." She said reassuringly. Newt smiled and nodded kissing the top of her head.

"Alright love." He agreed.

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