Chapter nine

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"Me, I'm a dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, its the dishonest ones you want to watch out for, 'cause you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid." -Jack Sparrow

Ivy rested her hands on either side of Newts face letting their lips move in perfect sync. Slowly pulling away from his lips Ivy smiled. She rested her forehead agents his, their noses touching and smiles planted on both their faces.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile." Newt's strong accent rang out. Ivy pressed her lips to his in a short kiss.

"I know." She whispered, her accent soft sending shivers down Newt's spine. Moving to lay beside Newt, Ivy put her head on his chest drawing circles and other shapes out onto his chest.

"We should probably get going before everyone thinks we ran out into the bloody maze." Newt said rubbing Ivy's arm up and down.

"I just wanna stay here a little longer." Ivy mumbled. Newt chuckled, Ivy could feel the vibrations through his toned chest.

"Alright love, a little longer." He replied.


"Finally the love birds come to dinner!" Minho said loudly as Newt and Ivy took seats at the table he and Winston sat at.

"Oh shut it." Ivy said hiding her burning up face with a sheild of hair.

"Hey Ivy what's that on your neck?" Minho said again pointing to the purple and blue bruise on her collarbone. Ivy's hand flew up to cover the lovebite from Newt.

"Don't know what you're talking about." She said stuffing mashed potatoes into her mouth.

"Oh I think you do." Winston said with a smirk. "Newt finally get the balls to ask you out?" He then added. Ivy looked to Newt then to Winston and Minho who sat across from them.

"No, he didn't." She said before finishing her dinner from Frypan. As the three boys talked Ivy felt a hand on her thigh. She looked at Newt from the corner of her bright green eyes to see a smirk dancing across his face.

"See you guys later." She said quickly standing up and bringing her tray to Frypan who smiled at her. She quickly walked away to the homestead and up the creaky stairs to her room. She slammed the door closed before sliding down the wall with her head in her hands, her elbows resting on her knees.

There was a knock on the door and Ivy sighed. "Whoever it is can you please go away!?" Ivy said loudly. She knew you didn't have to yell to be heard through the thin walls, but she still yelled.

"It's me." Newt said from the other side of the door. Ivy sighed.

"Come in." She mumbled. The door opened and Newt walked into the room. He looked around before his eyes landed on Ivy sitting on the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

"You. You can't just do this to me then walk away." She said gesturing to her neck where the lovebite was visible.

Newt sighed and ran a hand over his face. He sat down beside Ivy and looked ahead of them at the wall on the otherside of the room. "I just didn't know how to ask you out. I mean its not like I can go out on a limb and be romantic, I just didn't know how to do it." He said. Ivy smiled a little and placed a hand on his.

"You don't have to do anything special Newt." She told him. He looked over at her with dissapointment in his eyes.

"You deserve it though." He whispered. Ivy's smile grew, and she lent over and kissed the side of his mouth.

"No I don't." She whispered. Newt stood up an idea coming to his mind.

"I'll be right back." He said walking out of the room. His limp pained Ivy, but he barley noticed it, but when he thought about it, it pained him as well.

Walking to the edge of the deadheads he found some lily's and other wildflowers, picking a whole bunch he walked back to the homestead and back up the stairs to Ivy's room.

Walking into her room Newt found Ivy sitting in the chair that was by the window with a book in her lap. She had put a request in the box for some books and they sent up a whole box of them. The one she was reading was called 'Romeo and Juliet'.

"Ivy." Newt said clearing his throat, his palms became sweaty and he begin to reject his dision.

"Yeah?" She asked closing the book and standing up. Newt clutched onto the flowers behind his back. "Newt what's wrong?" She asked.

"Ivywillyougooutwithme?" Newt asked in one breath. Ivy laughed lightly.

"What?" She asked with a small smile on her face. Newt sighed and brought the flowers out from behind his back.

"Ivy, will you go out with me?" He asked again. Ivy couldn't find words to answer him so she grabbed each side of his face and pressed her lips onto his.

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