Chapter six

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"Your body makes you sexy, your smile makes you pretty, and your personality makes you beautiful." -Ashley Purdy.


Ivy walked with Alby up to the builders. Gally and George stood hunched over a blue print trying to figure out the right demtions for a hut so it can proved some more shelter for the boys.

"Hey Gally, you've got Green bean today, apparently she works well and doesn't ask questions." Alby told, Gally sighed and looked down to Ivy who fiddled with her fingers.

"Alright." He said, Alby gave Ivy a pat on the back before walking away to deal with the duities of being leader.

"Okay green bean-" Gally started before noticing that Ivy was no longer in front of him. He turned around to find her standing in front of the blueprint. "Your not suppose to look at those." Gally said.

"You've got your numbers all wrong." She said softly, Gally raised an eyebrow. "How would that be?" He asked standing beside her.

"Well if you want the hut to turn out this big you'd need these dementions," she said writing them down on the paper. "Then the height you'd want at least this." She said putting down another number. Gally looked at what she had done to see she was right.

"How'd you know that?" He asked her, she shrugged. "Just kinda did." She replied. "I don't want her to know about the runners." Newt said as Minho, Alby and him all stood in the map room. "I dunno I mean she's got the legs-" Minho started but Newt cut him off.

"I don't bloody care! I don't want her to get hurt to!" He said his voice raising slightly. Alby sighed. "It doesn't matter if she knows about the shucking runners or not. From what I've seen she's doing just fine with Gally and the builders."

"Really?" Minho asked. "A girl who couldn't be stronger then a flower is doing good with the builders?" Alby nodded and looked to Newt.

"That gonna help you sleep tonight shank?" He asked. Newt rolled his hazle eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah princess will it?" Minho teased. Minho was ways teasing and being sassy at the wrong times. No one said anything to him though, he was Minho and you just didn't back talk him.

"Shut it slinthead." Newt said. Newt almost never called anyone names like that. There was a knock on the door and Minho was about to yell at anyone who was there. He hated people in the map room if they weren't a runner. "Who's there!?" Alby called. "Ivy." She said quietly on the other side of the door.

Ivy knocked on the door wanting to hangout with the boys while she could get away from the girls who were playing with each others hair.

"Who is it?" Fourteen year old Alby called. Minho was about to blowup if it was another creator, he was sick of them.

"Ivy." She said softly. Everyone looked at each other and Newt opened the door.

"Hello love."

"Hi Newt."

"Ivy!" Gally yelled pulling her into the room, Alby closed the door quickly making sure no one was around. "What are you doing here?" He scrowled his younger sister. Ivy looked to the ground and mumbled something none of the boys could hear.

"What?" Newt asked walking up to her. He put a hand on her side and pulled her into him. "I don't like hanging out with all the girls, besides all Teressa is talking about is the maze her and Thomas are making." Ivy said.

"Its alright, no one saw you. You're safe now." Alby said. Ivy smiled at him greatful.

"Come in." Alby said. Ivy opened the door and closed it after. "Did you guys see that to?" She asked when she got into the room."Yeah." They all said together.

"You know what this means?" Minho asked. "Gally's my brother." Ivy said.
"Not that, but we will figure that out later." Minho said. "Then what?" Alby asked.

"They were working on this thing when we were with them, if we get more of the freaky flashback thingys we might figure this place out." He said, the other three nodded.

"Maybe," Newt started. "But what if their a trap? If we get these flashbacks here then we might not get them on the outside. And then we won't want to leave." He finished.

"We're trapped here... aren't we?" Ivy said. "For a moment." Newt said looking over at her, she nodded and looked down to the ground.

"Frypan wants you guys for dinner." She said after and few minuets. "Well then, let's go greenie." Minho said running out of the map room, Ivy giggled and ran behind him. Her long legs catching up to him in no time.

"She triggered something, no ones ever gotten flashbacks before." Alby said to Newt. "Maybe she did. Or maybe, we always had the memories just needed a trigger." Newt replied watching Ivy and Minho laugh ahead.

"I see the way you look at her." Alby said to Newt. "She looks at you the same way." He added before walking away.

Newt shook his head and ran a hand through his hair before walking away towards Frypan.

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