Chapter twenty-four

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"What do you mean the doors aren't closing?" Alby groaned. Before anyone could answer him everyone ran out of the homestead and found that the boy was right. The doors in fact weren't closing. Without a second thought Ivy grabbed Minho and Newt and dragged them to the weapon room.

"Get something and hurry up." Shs said, Ivy grabbed the bow and arrow that she was told was Albys and grabbed a knife for Teresa knowing that Thomas already had two. They all ran back out to find everyone huddled my the east doors. Ivy found Teresa and handed her the knife. She didn't really like Teresa but she knew the other boys, they could all fight. Ivy had no doubts in them, but Teresa would whine if she didn't get a weapon.

The loud screach of the Greaviers came from the corridor's of the maze, Newt grabbed Ivy's good hand in his not letting it go. When the Greaviers red beady eyes could be seen from the end of the corridor everyone scattered away to find somewhere to hide. Newt brought Ivy to the outskirts of the cornfield knowing the risk of going to far out but also the risk of not having some sort of sheild.

Everyone around them -Thomas, Teresa, Minho and some other boys- all fell silent holding in their breath tryinbto stay as quiet as possible. When a random boy was snatched by a greavier his screams filled the air. "Let's go!" Thomas yelled. Everyone got up and ran towards the homestead. When they got here Clint am Jeff were helping Alby out.

Two Greaviers stood infront of them, the boys all through spears at them, Ivy pulled an arrow back took a deep breath and let it go sending it flying through the air before it pierced through one of the Greaviers heads, it made a horrible screach before it fell to the ground. Tereasa grabbed a burning candle and through it at the other greavier.

Everyone ran to the meeting room where Chuck and some other had been. When they all got in Thomas closed the door tightly before stepping away from it. Everyone huddled together, Newts hand again found Ivy's. A greavier crashed through the room and grabbed Chuck.

"CHUCK!!" Ivy and Thomas yelled, they both ran for the younger boy to make sure the greavier didn't snatch him away. They tugged on him until they saw the stinger come out read to prick the poor boy. Alby ran up to them and used a piece of wood to hit on the stinger making it losser and losser until it finally broke off. Chuck dropped to the ground with Ivy and Thomas and Alby stood there with rang in his eyes.

"Thanks Alby." Chuck said, Alby nodded. Before anyone could react a greavier slammed into the roof again and grabbed Alby by the waist. Thomas went to grab him when Alby said.

"Get them out of here." Before letting go and flying through the roof. Newt wrapped his arms around Ivy as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Its okay love, its okay." He whispered in her ear.

"He's gone." She cried. Newt himself felt a wave of emotions wash over him at once. Alby was a good man ansheld the gladers together as one. But he was gone now.

Everyone waited a few minutes before walking out of the meeting room. No Greaviers could be heard and it sounded pretty calm. When they walked out of the meeting room smoke filled the air as fires danced all around them.

Everyone stood shocked looking around at their burning home. "Its all gone." Ivy whispered. Newt squeezed her hand trying to calm her but he knew it too. They place they had called home was burning before their eyes and they couldn't do anything to stop it.

Gally walked up to them with a few builders behind him, Gally was fuiming. He stomped right up to Thomas aand punched him right in the jaw. "Look what you've done Thomas! Its all gone thanks to you!" He yelled. Newt, Minho and a few other boys held him back.

Everything was changing now. And all Ivy could do was be brave about it.


I'm sorry its so short but if I wanted to split it into two chapters this is how it will turn out. The next chapter will be way longer I promise. I'll also try to get it up sometime this week :)

So until next time my ducklings :*


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