Chapter five **

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Light streamed into the bedroom that Ivy slept, the sunlight shone in her face making her wince and open. She groaned and sat up on the bed and was laying one, the blanket that was covering her body fell to the floor and the cool air hit her bare legs. Finding her glasses on the nightstand she pushed them on her face before grabbing her pants from off the bedroom floor.

Standing up she pulled on the pants that Alby gave her yesterday and shimmed them on, jumping up and down and bending her legs in weird angles trying to get the tight jeans up her legs. When they were on she liked the way they fit her, but getting them on was a struggle and a lot of commitment that she didn't want to experience every morning. With a deep sigh she grabbed the hair brush off the dresser she ran it through the knots in her hair. Taking her now smooth hair, she parted it into three sections weaving them through each other until she was left with a lose braid.

Finally, she shoved her feet into her shoes and made her way to the bedroom door, she walked down the same hallway that Alby brought her down yesterday. As she walked down the hallway she tried not to laugh when she could hear the loud snores of all the boys who stayed in the homestead. When she walked outside she noticed next to no one was up yet.

Her wondering eyes found Newt which brought a smile to her face. She walked up to him giving him a small smile, "Morning," she said quietly making him smile back at her. "Morning Greenie," he replied with a smile. "How was the party last night?" she asked him taking a seat with him at one of the lunch tables. "Sorry I missed it," she added with a small chuckle. "It's okay," he replied with a smile, "Besides you didn't miss anything important," he told her.

"Well even if I didn't miss anything important maybe I'll be able to stay up for the whole thing next time," she laughed. "Let's hope, or the boys will think you're too good to hang around them," he told her making her laugh again. "Now come on, we better get some food before all the bloody animals wake up," he said standing up, Ivy nodded and stood up following him towards Frypan who was handing food out to everyone.

"Morning you two," Frypan greeted with a smile. "Morning," Ivy smile. Frypan gave the two their breakfast and Newt led the way back to the table they were sitting at la few minutes ago. "So what am I doing today?" Ivy asked eating a large spoonful of her oatmeal. Newt smiled at her seeing the excitement in her eyes, she was so eager to try everything in the Glade.

"Today you're with the builders, do you're going to be working with Gally and his partner George," Newt told her, she nodded in response with a smile. "That doesn't seem too bad," she said with a shrug tossing a few blueberries into her mouth with a smile.

Newt chuckled and shook her head, "No one likes working with the builders unless you're a rude slinthead like the rest of them," Newt told her. "Gally has a little bit of an attitude problem," he told her making her roll her eyes.

"Come on Newt I think I can deal with a few grumpy teenage boys," she shot back making Newt sigh. "I sure hope so green bean," he told her finishing up his breakfast.

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