Chapter three**

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A month later.

Her lungs burned, they ached for air and the muscles in her legs begged to cave in and let her collapse to the ground. But, Ivy refused to give in, she needed to get away from the boy who ran after her like a mad man. "Newt!" She creamed, her throat raw and sore trying to take in any oxygen so her lungs could stop burning even for a split second. She looked back to see the boy, George picking up his speed to catch up to her.

She dogged trees and jumped over roots trying to get out of the deadheads and get to the open field where someone could help her. She called out for Newt and Alby again, Newt lifting his head in confusion when he heard the faint scream of his name. Before Ivy could call out again, George tackled her again, clamping his hand down over her mouth so she couldn't call for help. She tried to wiggle from his grasp but failed, so she did the only thing she could. Lifting her head, she bit down on George's large dirty hand until she felt the skin break and blood trickle on her chin. She pushed the boy off her and started to run towards the exit of the small forest area.

"Newt, Alby!!" She screamed again hoping and praying someone would hear her. As she jumped out of the tree line, calling for Newt once more Newt looked up hearing the faint call of his name; but he didn't see anyone. George tackled the young girl to the ground and clamped his already injured hand over her mouth, so she couldn't scream. She tried to wiggle from the runners grasp but failed, he was growing weaker and she knew it, she knew that whatever was making him go crazy was soon going to take over until George no longer existed. Taking her chances, she bit down onto the already bleeding injury on his hand, she bit until she could taste liquid iron on her lips.

"You little bitch!" George yelled, holding his hand to his chest. Again, she wasted no time she called for Newt and her friends. "Newt, Ably! Gally please!" she screamed, feeling her vocal cords scratch against her throat making her wince at the pain. Feeling the weight being lifted off of her, Ivy gasped for breath once the boy was off of her diaphragm and she was assisted to her feet. Ivy looked up to see Alby holding her, she turned in his arms and wrapped her own around him, crying into his tight white t-shirt.

Looking back slightly, much to her surprise Ivy found Newt and Gally both kicking and punching George as he laid on the ground. This was one of the only times she saw the two boys working together to do something; even if it was to beat someone up. Alby held the girl tightly as the Gladers ran up to them, Newt stepped away from the boy, his knuckles cut up and bleeding. His jaw was clenched, and Gally finally backed off of the boy, looking down at him in disgust. "Take him to the pits," Alby said, everyone moving to grab either Newt of Gally making both the boys rip themselves from the prying hands and glare. "What are you doing, not them, him!" Alby yelled pointing to the boy laying on the ground.

Minho ran into the glade from the maze and looked around at the crowd, running up and noticing Ivy's tear stained face and the dry blood on her face. "What the hell happened here?" he asked looking around at the scene of boys and a crying Ivy. "George attacked her," Alby told him, "You okay doll face?" Minho asked her with a small smile, his concern for the girl genuine. She nodded slightly still clinging to Alby for dear life. He put his hand on her shoulder and kissed the back of her head before running off to the pits to see if he could get in and have a word with George before his trial.

Gally walked off, patting Ivy's back as he did so. Newt walked up, placing his hand on her lower back and looked at her with eyes full of hope, hoping that she wouldn't see him any differently after he beat the living hell out of George for what he did. She let go of Alby and jumped into Newt's arms holding him tight. He copied her actions, squeezing her close to himself and kissing the side of her head. "It's okay darling," he whispered, "I got you, nothing is going to hurt you now," he said his accent sending shivers down her spine.

"Thank you," she whispered squeezing him tightly once more.

Now, I feel like we're getting a little ahead of each other right now. Let's go back to the second day Ivy found herself in the maze, with no relationships established yet, and her still clinging to the idea of a new and weird place surrounding her.

"Morning green bean," Alby said standing over the sleeping girl. Sitting up at the speed of light, Ivy smacked her head against Alby's. "Holy hell, Alby!" she exclaimed rubbing her own forehead. Alby rubbed his own forehead and cursed under his breath as he did so. "It's weird to watch people sleep you know, and it's even weirder to be in their rooms," Ivy muttered making Alby chuckle and shake his head in slight disbelief.

"You just looked sooo cute greenie," he said with sarcasm dripping from every word. Ivy smiled slightly and stood up out of the bed she resided on. "You're not going to want to wear that today," Alby said eying her high shorts and long-sleeved shirt. "Why?" Ivy asked not really seeing anything wrong with what she was wearing, besides, it's not like she had anything else to wear.

"You're with the med-jacks today, it's kind of cold in there," he told her throwing her a black pair of jeans which she caught not so swiftly. "Where'd you get these from?" she asked, for what she knew she was the only girl in the entire glade, so where would they get jeans for a size 3 waist? "Came up with you in the box yesterday," he told her, "Now hurry up, I'll be outside," Alby said walking out of the room. Ivy sighed and ran a hand over her face before grabbing her glasses off of the bed side table, so she could finally see properly.

Undoing the button of her shorts, she let them slide down her long pale legs before shimming into the tight black jeans on. Doing the zipper and button up and shoved her feet into an old tattered pair of shoes. Taking the single hair elastic from off her wrist she tied her hair up into a high ponytail on the top of her head, so it would be up and off her neck for the day. Swinging the bedroom door open Ivy stepped out and made her way down the hallway to find Alby. Rushing down the stairs she jumped off of the last few steps and then ran outside.

When she saw Alby standing outside the building with his arms over his chest she gave him a small smile. "Alright greenie, lets go," he said leading her to a different door in the homestead near the back.

When she was in the building she was introduced to the medjacks Jeff and Clint. "Here Ivy, let me show you how to take care of this sort of situation," Jeff said showing Ivy how to stitch up someone's arm. A boy named Winston cut himself with a knife while killing a pig this morning. Much to Ivy's dismay about hearing the pig being killed she watched the wound being stitched up.

Ivy kept her eyes trained on Jeff's hands the whole time not wanting to miss anything he did. Nodding in response when Jeff would ask her if she understood what he was doing and so on.

Ivy kept her eyes trained on Jeff's hands the whole time not wanting to miss anything. Nodding when Jeff asked if she understood and so on. Gally walked into the room and sat on a chair grumbling to himself as he did so. There was a look of boredom on his face and let out a large sigh, "What did you do this shucking time Gally?" Clint asked walking up to inspect the wound. "A bored fell and the nail split my arm open," Gally muttered in response, Clint was about to get to work on the boy's arm but Jeff stopped him. Clint looked up confused before Jeff motioned to Ivy. "Hey greenie, meet your very first patient," Jeff said with a grin making Ivy looked at the two boys in shock.

She hesitated before taking the needle and thread from Clint's hands and a wet cloth from Jeff's. Sitting beside the angry looking boy, Ivy looked at him with a nervous scared look in her eyes. She took his arm in her hand softly, resting it on her lap as she cleaned up the blood from the wound, "Sorry if I mess this up," she whispered to Gally, who said nothing in return. No one ever said sorry to him before, especially when he came into the homestead with an injury.

Taking the needle, Ivy pierced it through Gally's arm and started to weave it through the wound pulling it closed, noticing every time Gally winced, which would make her stop and ask if he was okay. Something that also was new to him, because no one ever did that either. When she was done, Ivy stood up and let Clint and Jeff inspect what she had done. "Good job Ives," Clint said patting her shoulder with a smile.

Ivy beamed with pride, she was proud she did something right. "Alright, you're good to go Gally, just take it easy okay?" Clint said, Gally nodded and walked out of the room; thanking Ivy quietly on his way out.

Newt stood in the doorway observing Ivy to make sure she was okay and that she wasn't uncomfortable in her atmosphere. Not to his surprise, she did amazing.

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