Chapter eight.

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"Let us consider that we are all insane. It will explain us to each other; and unriddle many riddles." - Mark Twain.


A month had passed quickly for the boys at the glade, having Ivy was defiantly different but not at all hard. Except the odd time someone would try to take it to far with her, but somehow either Newt, Gally, Minho or Alby stopped whatever was happening. Gally was still oblivious to the fact him and Ivy were siblings, but he still cared about her.

Now every keeper sat in the gathering room trying to figure out where to put Ivy, but it was harder than they expected, Ivy was great at every job.

"She should be a builder, she's great with the blueprints." Gally said.

"No she did great as a cook!" Frypan said.

"Well she mended every wound perfectly as a med-jack." Clint argued.

"Why don't all you shanks shut it, she's one of the fastest runners out there and doesn't even need to write notes down to remember anything that has changed." Minho said. He needed more runners so would go through hell to Ivy to run.

"Well she did great in the gardens." Zart said.

"She's good with the animals." Winston offered.

"She's not working in the slaughter house with the slicers!" Gally said loudly. "Shut it!" Alby yelled. Everyone quickly settled down taking their seats. "Now we all know you want Ivy working with you." Newt started. "But that can't happen." He said.

"So we've come up with two jobs for her." Alby said. Every keeper sat at the edge of their seats waiting for the answer, waiting to see what job the girl got. "Minho and Gally congrats." Newt said, both boys looked pleased with themselves while all the other boys sighed.

"Alright Newt go get her." Alby said knowing that Ivy was most likely ease dropping on the conversation. Newt nodded and walked to the wooden door and pulled it open. Ivy stumbled into the room and laughed lightly giving Newt a sweet smile hoping not to get into trouble. Newt chuckled.

"Guess you already know don't ya?" He asked, Ivy nodded before running up to Gally and Minho giving them both highfives. "Wait, how will this work?" Ivy asked Alby.

"You'll go run the maze one day, then the next go work with the builders, you'll just be switching." He told her, she nodded with a smile. "So those we're the only things I was good at?" She asked.

"No, you were good at all the jobs, just these two stood out the most." Alby replied. "Woohoo!!" She yelled running out of the room. Everyone stood there and laughed.

"I'll go find her." Newt said walking out of the room searching for the brunette. The only place he could think of was the tower. Making his way to the tall wooden tower he started to climb up the ladder. Finally reaching the top he found Ivy laying there with a smile on her face as she stared up at the sky full of white fluffy clouds.

"Hey there greenie." He said, Ivy looked at him and smiled even wider.
"If my calculations are correct I won't be the greenie tomorrow." Ivy said, she had been counting down the days until the new arivle came up. "So I'm planning on starting off with the builders, so I can be here when the new greenie is." She added.

Newt laid down beside her with a small smile as well. "That's really nice of you." He said, she laughed lightly.

"So you know you have to be punished for ease dropping on keeper gatherings." Newt said, he was totally joking with her but not like she knew that. "I do?" She said sitting up.

"Yes, you do." He said, before Ivy could process what was happening Newts hands shot up to her sides as he started to tickle her.

"No stop! Stop!" She squealed. Newt laughed. He actually laughed. After a few minutes Ivy used the typical excuse to get out of being tickled. "I have to pee, I have to pee!" She managed. Newt instantly stopped tickling her so Ivy used this opportunity. She pushed him over so he was laying flat on his back and quickly sat on him, a leg on either side of his hips. "You don't really do you?" Newt asked, Ivy shook her head.

"Nope." She said with a sly smile on her face, Newt rested his large hands on each of her thighs. They had confessed their feelings to each other a month ago but had never done anything about it. They would flirt when they thought no one was around and would share kisses on the cheeks but nothing further.

Ivy lent down and placed her lips on Newts left cheek before moving her lips to his right. "You missed." Newt said grabbing the back of her neck lightly before bringing her lips to his.

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