Chapter sixteen

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"I'm not afraid of heights deep water and love. I'm afraid of falling drowning and a broken heart."

// dedicated to SweaterWeather24//

Ivy laid in her bed, the room dark the only light being from the moon. For what she knew everyone was asleep besides Newt and Alby since they we're doing a cheek to make sure everyone was sleeping. The door opened and Newt stepped in pulling his shirt and sweater over his head and slipping of his shoes. He slid into Ivy's bed and traced over her spin lightly with the tips of his fingers.

Ivy shivered which made Newt chuckled lightly. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He whispered softly.

"I was waiting for you." Ivy mumbled. Newt found himself chuckling again at her cutness.

"Its late, go to bed." Newt ordered quietly. Ivy moved around so her head rested on his chest, her arm was around his waist and her one leg over his. Wrapping his arm around her waist he kissed the top of her head and drifted off to sleep, the sound of his girlfriend's steady breathing acting as a lullaby.

Newt woke up to the sunlight seeping through the window and his arms wrapped tightly around Ivy. He smiled lightly and kissed her exposed shoulder.

"Time to wake up love." Newt whispered in her ear. Fluttering her eyes open Newt starred at the breathtaking green.

"Morning." She mumbled the word falling of her tounge beautifully, her accent was always strong but with the grogginess of the morning it seemed heavier then Newts own accent.

"Good morning." Newt replied placing his lips on hers. He would never get over kissing her, the way her soft pink lips felt agents his own, the way her eyelashes brushed agents his cheeks from her closed eyes, the way her hands went to the back on his neck trying to capture more of him. It was like his new addiction, and he didn't mind because she was his goddess.

"You're with Gally today." Newt mumbled agents her lips.

"Mhm, just drawing some blueprints with my brother who doesn't remember he's my brother." She replied resting her forehead agents his. Newt smiled a little and tucked some hair behind her ear.

"You should tell him." He told her, Ivy sighed.

"What if he doesn't believe me?" She asked, Newt placed his lips on her's quickly. She kept her eyes closed when he pulled back, her fingers played with the hairs on the back on his neck making him sigh.

"He'll believe you." Newt promised. Ivy nodded. She ran her soft warm hands down Newts chest outlining the pack he had. Newt sighed and dipped his head down to her neck kissing and licking it. Ivy sucked in a sharp shocked breath biting her lip to hold in a moan.

"Newt." She breathed. Newt bit down on her collarbone turned on by the way his name sounded coming from her lips. Someone knocked on the door and Newt groaned. He placed his lips on Ivy's before rolling off the bed grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head as he opens the door.

"Yeah?" Newt asked Minho. Minho smirked at the way Newt looked, his hair was sticking up and every direction from Ivy's fingers his breathing was labored and his lips were plump from kissing her.

"You two shanks better get cleaned up and get to breakfast before Frypan goes bat crap crazy." Minho said. Newt nodded.

"Thanks." He said closing the door as Minho started to walk away. Ivy sighed and turned on her side looking over at Newt.

"I just wanna stay here all day with you." She whined, Newt chuckled and lent over her placing his lips on hers.

"Maybe another day, now come one love, get up." He said. Ivy sighed and rolled off the bed. Newt couldn't help but stare at her, the only thing that was on her was a tank top a bra and a pair of black panties. Newt walked up to Ivy and grabbed her hips turning her around. "Maybe you should wear this more often." He mumbled kissing her neck again. Ivy giggled a small blush on her face.

"Maybe I will." She said kissing Newt quickly before turning around grabbing her pants quickly and pulling on her legs.

"Such a tease." Newt mumbled.

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