Chapter eighteen

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"Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings." -Wiz Khalifa

Waking up the next morning Ivy groaned trying to stretch out her soar back. "You okay?" Newt asked running his hand arm up her spine. She shivered and nodded.

"I'll be fine." She told him. Newt smiled and placed his lips on her temple.

"That's my girl." He mumbled against her hair. She got out of bed and Newt watched her as he stayed laying on his back. He took the time to realize how perfectly round her butt was. The way her back curved, her long soft legs, how her brown hair brushed the tips of her hips. She was petite but beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. She pulled on a pair of shorts, then pulled the long T-shirt she had on over her head so she could pull on a blue tank top. He watched her tie her hair up into a ponytail, and as she sat in the chair on the other side of the room tying on her shoes.

Newt pushed himself up off the bed, his body working as his brain, his needs pushing himself instead of his courage. He grabbed Ivy's hands and pulled her up off the chair, he pressed his hands onto her small hips and pressed his forehead to hers so their noses were touching. "You're beautiful." He whispered to her. Ivy smiled lightly and placed her lips to his.

"Thank you." She whispered back to him. Newt chuckled lightly.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He mumbled against her lips. Ivy bit down on his lip before she pulled away.

"Yes you are." She said jokingly. Newt chuckled and turned to slip on his shoes and shirt. "Are you ready?" Ivy asked him, he nodded. She grabbed his hand in hers and dragged him down the stairs so they could eat before she had to go into the maze with Minho.

They ate their pancakes quietly until Minho jogged up. "Here cupcake I grabbed your lunch." He said handing Ivy her black pack.

"Thanks cutie." She replied. Ivy called every boy a nickname. Many of them had a nickname for her as well. Minho called her cupcake because, when they were training Ivy had remembered that she use to love cupcakes and shouted the word Cupcake at Minho.

Ivy put on her pack and ran to the map room so she could grab her two knives. She put on in her back poctet and the other where Minho kept his in his backpack.

From here she walked straight to the west doors waiting for them to open. She lent on the wall waiting, when Newt and Minho walked up she knew it was time for the doors to open.

When the doors started to open the ground started to rumble. Newt walked up to Ivy and kissed her quickly. "Be safe." He said. Ivy nodded.

"I always am." She replied. Minho tapped her shoulder before he ran into the maze. Ivy looked at Newt giving him a tiny smile before turning and running into the maze falling a few steps behind Minho.

"Alright shank. We're gonna test your skills." Minho said. Ivy raised her eyesbrows looking at him.

"How?" She asked.

"Like this. Left!" He yelled. Ivy lent into the turn without double thinking it. "Alright good, now what way do we go?" Minho asked her.

"Left again." Ivy said without skipping a beat. They both lent into the correct turn.

"Good job. I might just have to let you train the next runner." Minho said after the two kept running. Minho quizzing her at random times. Durning all this time Ivy had to take notes on a pad. Sometime she slowed to a fast walk so she could write something down, by she'd catch up right away.

"Really?" Ivy asked smiling. Minho nodded. The two stopped for lunch, sitting down with their backs pressed to the wall. The walls that kept them trapped in the world. The world they hand no idea to escape. Ivy bit into the red apple in her hand, the juice and suger of the apple danced across her taste buds.

"Come on Newt hurry up!" Ivy laughed. Newt ran after her back to her room. Ivy jumped onto her made bed and grabbed her backpack. She held it upside down and seven juicy red apples fell out of it. Newt looked up a her shocked.

"How'd you get these?" Newt asked her. Ivy smiled.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." She replied. Thomas walked in and smiled.

"Did you get them?" He asked. Ivy nodded. Alby, Gally, Teresa and Minho piled into the room. Ivy handed them each an apple and they all devoured them.

"I don't remember having anything so heavenly." Teresa said from beside Ivy.

"Tell me about it." She replied.

"Ivy did you hear that?" Minho asked standing up quickly. Ivy stood up beside him and strained her ears trying to hear what Minho did. In the distance she could hear a loud ear piercing shriek.

"Greviers." Ivy whispered.

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