Chapter four **

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"Hey Greenie, tonight we're having a celebration," Clint said leaning over the table to tell Ivy the news, looking like a teenage girl talking about the latest gossip in high school. "Oh yeah?" Ivy asked, both Clint and Jeff nodding with big smiles on their faces, theses celebrations were their favorite time of each month. Although there wasn't a lot to look forward to when you lived in a place like the glade. "What for?" she asked tilting her head to the side reminding the two boys of a puppy.

Both boys looked at each other confused, "No ones told you?" Jeff asked her. Ivy shook her head, "Told me what?" she asked them with her eyebrows frowned. "I hope you know, you boys are full of secrets here," she told them making them laugh. "We have a celebration every month after the Greenie arrives, it's basically a welcome to the Glade slash hey now we have more supplies so let's put on a party," Clint told her with a smile. Ivy nodded in response before taking a bite of her sandwich, the rest of their lunch break full of laughter.

The rest of the day went relatively fast, a lot more boys came in with injuries than Ivy thought there would be. But at the same time, she wasn't surprised, a lot of the jobs these boys did were very dangerous. She learned a lot from Jeff and Clint though, especially a lot of things she knew she would use in the future even if she didn't get the med-jack job in the end.

When the sun started to set, Newt came into the homestead with a large smile. "How did today go for you?" he asked her, Ivy jumped up and started to talk wildly about her day, her Irish accent getting thicker as she got more and more excited which made his own smile grow. She reminded him of a child on their first day of school.

It didn't take long, and before Ivy knew it; she was sitting outside by a big t-pea of wooden logs in the centre of where everyone was surrounded. "Alright boys, one, two, three!" Alby yelled before all the keepers threw torches into the logs, having the fire light and illuminate the faces of everyone standing close enough.

Ivy sat off to the side away from all the celebrating boys, he knees tightly pulled to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. She was thinking about the walls, and everything that resided and lived behind them. What were the walls keeping out? Or were they here to keep her and all the boys inside?

Newt looked around, looking for the girl. When his eyes landed on her, he shuffled over to her from the fire where he stood with all the boys. So, without a second though he sat down beside the girl who sat alone, the girl who stayed to herself, the one who remained so sweet despite it being her second day here. "How you doin' Greenie?" He asked her, she looked up him startled before giving him a shy smile. She thought Newt was cute, she knew he was cute; but on her second day here she wanted to get her head wrapped around the situation and her surroundings before she even thought about thinking someone was cute. "Oh, I'm okay," she muttered. "How are you?" she asked locking her eyes with his hazel eyes.

Newt smiled looking across the large field, clutching a glass full of the honey coloured drink that Gally made every month for the celebrations. "I'm okay," he replied. The two-stayed silent listening to the boys all cheering and letting lose for the first time in a month. The small crickets in the grass surrounded the two with their peaceful noise. "Can I ask you something?" Ivy asked quietly, Newt looked down to her and nodded. "What's behind those walls?" She asked.

Newt knew that this was coming, this was the one question of every newbie asked. Newt debated if he should tell her. If he lied, then someone else would tell her, but if he told her; then he'd be the one snatching all the hope that she has about getting out of the Glade. "The maze," he finally muttered, Ivy looked to the closed doors and nodded her head slightly at the vague explanation.

That was the lovely moment when a greavier decided to make an ear-piercing screeching that shook the ground. It was the kind of screech that made you clamp your hands over your ears and pray to God that it would go away. The horrible noise bounced off the walls of the glade like a ping-pong ball making all the boys wince.

"What was that?" Ivy asked, she wanted answers, but she didn't want to make Newt uncomfortable with the amount of questions she was asking. "We call them Greaviers," he told Ivy, she let the word play repeatedly in her head like a broken record.

"Sounds horrible," she finally replied, Newt looked over to her and cracked a small grin, "It is, but the thing is Ivy... you can't go out into the maze unless you're a runner," Newt said. "So, what I'm trying to say is don't even think about going out there okay? It's not safe," He told her in an orderly tone, it was a tone he hated using. "Okay," she replied, her eyes not leaving the large walls. "Good that," Newt said taking a sip of the drink he held in his hands.

"Good that? What's with the way you guys talk?" she asked making Newt chuckle. "It was just something that happened I guess," Newt said with a shrug. "And I don't want you to buggin' talk like us either. It sounds weird and besides, it'd take away all the politeness you bring to the glade," he said playfully bumping his shoulder against hers. Ivy laughed along with him and nodded her head before letting out a loud yawn making Newt laugh even more.

She rested her head on Newt's shoulder, and in shock, he slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulders; one arm wrapped around her and the other holding his drink. "I'm kind of tired," she muttered, Newt squeezed her shoulder lightly. "I'll carry you up to bed in a minute," he told her.

So, taking in the warmth he provided her, she closed her eyes and let a blanket of darkness consume her for the night.

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